Letter of Elihu Schultz, Concentration Camp Survivor

Last Friday (15.07.2005) I listened on the radio to an interview by Judy Moses. The interviewee was a woman settler from Gush Katif who had written her identity card number with a pen on...

What Happened During the Katif Eviction: A first hand Account

I have decided to send this out to you so that you can read a first hand detailed account of what the world news is mostly blacking out. First, I want you to understand the...

Official PA website blames Israel for those murdered by Documentation: Official PA website blames...

#1 PA now blames Israel PA website on 21 June 2005: "Israel's officially adopted policy of extra-judicial killings claimed the lives of six Palestinians, including two laborers, and a Chinese worker early in June." www.palestine-pmc.com/details.asp?cat=1&id=919 #2 PA...

Before Meeting Sharon, Abbas and His Media Issue List of “do’s” and “Don’ts”

A few hours before his scheduled conference Tuesday with Israel's prime minister, Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas and his state-controlled media issued a list of things he will demand of Israel and things he will...

Hamas, Internal Strife, Old Film Clips on PBC TV Against Israel

June 17, 2005 The official Palestinian Authority (PA) media has been giving small coverage to Palestinian-Israeli meetings (June 15/June16), describing the meetings sparingly , occasionally positively (PBC Television June 15/16). Reports on preparations for a summit...

Refusal to Disarm…

Official Palestinian Authority (PA) media stressed again Saturday and Sunday that the PA stood behind the message of PA Foreign Minister Nasser Al-Qudwa that the regime of Mahmoud Abbas, the successor to Yasser Arafat,...

The Vatican’s Sin of Omission

Last week, Pope Benedict XVI vowed to Rome's former chief rabbi that he would renew the Vatican's commitment to Catholic-Jewish dialogue. The statement, which came at the same time that Germany unveiled its new...

Relocation of Businesses from Gush Katif

When Arik Sharon's first grandson was born, MK Zvi Hendel, then Sharon's friend, sent a huge bouquet of flowers from Gush Katif to the new grandfather. Lily was then alive, and the bouquet chosen...

Rumors Spread by the Official Palestinian Authority Media that Jews Are Plotting to Take...

From Sunday May 8 through Tuesday May 10, the Palestinian Authority (PA) media emphasized the "threat of an attack on Al-Aqsa Mosque" and the threat of "the polluting of the holy Jerusalem shrine" (Arabic:...

Palestinians Seek ‘International Protection’ and ‘Observers’ After Deaths of ‘Child Martyrs’ Killed ‘Playing Football’

A senior Palestinian official hinted broadly today that the Palestinian Authority (PA) would demand "international protection" and international observers to stop what he called Israel's "acts of aggression" against the Palestinians. At the same time...