HU Armenian Studies Department Holds Armenian Genocide Memorial Event

Professor Michael E. Stone, head of the Hebrew University Armenian Studies Program, chaired a somber event at The Hebrew University to mark 89 years since the genocide of the Armenian people in Turkey. The...

Uzi Landau: Our American friends are Disappointed with us

The heads of a delegation from the Republican Jewish Coalition who visited here last week appeared very upset when we met early Wednesday morning. "Explain why your government is surrendering to terror," one of...

Dov Weissglass – “Consiglieri” of the State of Israel

He despises the Chief of the General Staff, doesn't appreciate the head of the Israeli Security Agency and his comments about the Head of Intelligence Directorate are not fit for print. While the heads of...

A Couple from Katif Fight for their Home…

Kfar Darom, Katif Estee Shalva has the unflappable bearing of a woman who has seen it and done it all before. Twenty-two years ago, Shalva, then the mother of four children aged three-and-a-half and under, lived...

Kant on Perpetual Peace and the Seeds of Another War

Two hundred years ago, an essay entitled "Perpetual Peace" by German idealist philosopher Immanuel Kant argued: "no peace treaty may be deemed valid that contains within its provisions, the seeds of another war." This seemingly...

Anatomy of US Embassy Response to Official PA Policy

Preface Throughout the day on Thursday, January 29th, 2004, the PLO's mainstream Fateh celebrated the fact that it had taken credit for murdering a dozen Jews and maiming another 40 Jews in Jerusalem. As the...

Palestinian NGOs Reject Antiterrorism Pledge

Palestinian nongovernmental organizations are refusing to sign a US-sponsored commitment stating they will not transfer funds to individuals or groups that engage in terrorism. The organizations said Saturday they are planning a popular campaign in...

Geneva Sellout

On Monday, an agreement will be signed by Israelis and Palestinians. This "Geneva accord" has gotten much attention. And the signing itself will be greeted with much hoopla. Journalists are being flown in from around...

Covering Left Wing Conferences in the US – in Boston and in Columbus

We dispatched a journalist to report on a conference that took place More gathered on the weekend of October 31-November 2nd in Boston, where more than 700 particpants discusse thee Geneva accords that have...

Why does the Israeli consulate in San Francisco promote Yossi Beilin?

Dr. Yossi Beilin currently holds no public office in Israel. He holds no seat in the Israeli Knesset. Indeed, Beilin handily lost his bid for re-election in the Labor Party primaries last year, and...