Saudi Arabian King’s Two Brothers Provided Financial Aid to Suicide Bombers

Two high-ranking personages in the Saudi government oversaw the monarchy's financial support mechanism for the families of Palestinian suicide bombers. This information was extracted from documents the IDF seized in the course of Operation...

Exiled Palestinian Arabs from Bethlehem Ran Two Year Reign of Terror

Bethlehem Residents of this biblical city are expressing relief at the exile to Cyprus last week of 13 hard-core Palestinian militants, who they said had imposed a two-year reign of terror that included rape,...

The Right of Return: Through Conjugal Negotiatons

Ibrahim Idris was born in 1967, the year the city of his birth, Nablus, was conquered. In 1994, when the Palestinian Authority returned to the territories, Idris made a significant change in his life:...

Removing the PLO Occupation of Bethlehem

Bethlehem, Residents of this biblical city are expressing relief at the exile to Cyprus last week of 13 hard-core Palestinian militants, who they said had imposed a two-year reign of terror that included rape,...

Will the Media Report Their Police Record?

Here are the police profiles of 13 Palestinian terrorists who were released from the Church of the Nativity who are now awaiting a "welcome" in host countries. It will be instructive to know if...

Paula Finer Discusses the Tragedy of her Daughter, Now in a Permanent Vegetative State

Thanks to private support from many circles, Israel Resource News Agency has produced a pilot film for what will hopefully evolve into a full fledged documentary concerning the plight of victims of terror. The first...

Israel’s New Security Situation Following The Release of Arafat from his Compound

Arafat The Street Did Not Wait For Arafat Yedioth Ahronoth (p. 3) by Roni Shaked -- At 2:00 in the morning, Arafat faced the cameras, in his first press conference after the siege, and in...

The Battle in Jenin: An Assessment

The battle for the UNRWA Jenin refugee camp ended yesterday morning. Seven days of fighting -- among the hardest the IDF has known in recent years -- ended with 36 wanted men who laid...

An Open Letter

April 8, 2002 Jerusalem Dear Friends, As we continue to face critical days and mounting pressures, I feel, it important to share firsthand some thoughts on the events of the last few days. President Bush's statement Wednesday...

AP: Documents Show that Arafat Remunerates the Killers

Jerusalem (AP) - After seizing Palestinian offices and scouring thousands of papers, Israel says documents show Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat authorized payment to a militant who allegedly had been involved in killing several Israelis. Israel's...