A Test of Credibility

The "Rabbis for Human Rights" continue their cooperation with Palestinians on another level. As Rabbis, so director Rabbi Arik Ascherman, they work for a greater force than the State of Israel. The existence of...

Israel Foreign Minister Shimon Peres: Oslo Process Cannot be Erased

The Oslo Process was a moral and a Jewish choice. The late Yitzhak Rabin and I went to Oslo for moral reasons: not because we had no choice, not out of weakness, but with...

The Associated Press Reveals the Lie of a Palestinian Doctor.

Israeli soldiers did not bar a Palestinian woman in labor from passing an Israeli checkpoint, her relatives said Thursday, refuting initial claims by two Palestinian doctors. The baby boy was born in a taxi at...

EU Defends its Role in Funding the Israeli Left

European Union officials have defended the support they provide to Israeli leftist organizations, including Peace Now, the Four Mothers, and MK Roman Bronfman's Impact project. MKs on the right have criticized Europe's intervention in Israeli...

How the European Union Meddles in Israeli Politics

European governments, in general, are breathing down Israel's neck. In the political-military struggle against the Palestinians, they support the Palestinians. The Union's Policy One had to observe the behavior of the television station of the BBC...

Sacrifice of Israel’s Settlements?

When the PLO states that Israel must remove itself from "all occupied territories", few people question what exactly do they mean by "all occupied territories" - the general concept being that they want Israel...

Sharon and Katsav Refuse to Help Pollard

Israel succeeded in obtaining a pardon for Marc Rich, a billionaire fugitive from the law who never spent a day in prison. Israel even bailed Goussinsky out of his troubles with the Soviet Union,...

Living with a War on the Road Near Our Home

Yesterday three brutal murders rocked our community. Two were from Efrat. Sarah Blaustein, 53 was shot to death while on the way with her family and some hitchhikers picked up in Efrat, to the...

Is Ariel Sharon the Scion of King David or King Saul?

Hebron, (May 23, 2001) Last night Prime Minister Ariel Sharon answered questions following his dramatic press conference, announcing Israeli acceptance and compliance with the Mitchell Report. One of the final questions dealt with'settler security.' Sharon...

“Peace Now” Delegation Visits with Arafat

At 11:30 a.m. yesterday, an assistant to PA Chairman Yasser Arafat came into his office in Gaza, carrying a small note. Arafat, without glasses, carefully read the note. Then he turned the note over...