Official PA radio news: PA Virtual Endorsement of Ehud Barak

Summary and Analysis The Voice of Palestine stepped up the Palestinian Authority's support of Ehud Barak, only five days before Israeli elections, featuring reports on efforts by Sweden (temporary head of EU) to set up...

Official PA radio news – the P.B.C. VOP (Voice of Palestine) Radio: January 29

Summary and Analysis In its Monday afternoon and evening broadcasts on January 29, VOP stressed remarks by Yasser Arafat at Davos (World Economic Forum) that "totally rejected" any "resettlement of refugees" and "leaving any refugees...

Official PA Radio News: Voice of Palestine January 25-26, 2001

Summary and Analysis Palestinian Authority reversed its one-day condemnation-of-terror policy Thursday night and Friday, following the shooting death of an Israeli civilian near the Atarot industrial zone in northern Jerusalem. The PA and its Voice of...

Lights, Camera, Intifada

The violence in the Mideast has become a war of images, in which the press is the key to victory Byline: Stephanie Gutmann is the author of The Kinder, Gentler Military (Scribner). Body Day after day the seemingly...

Official PA radio news – the P.B.C. VOP (Voice of Palestine) Radio: January 8th

Summary and Analysis In its Monday afternoon coverage, VOP reported that Yasser Arafat's spokesman, Nabil Abu-Irdeineh said the PA expected the incoming Bush Administration to respond to Palestinian reservations on the Clinton proposals. It was clear...

Official PA radio news – the P.B.C. VOP (Voice of Palestine) Radio: January 7th

Summary and Analysis The last few days of VOP news and commentary have seen a kind of return to the pre-Intifada coverage at the Voice of Palestine: the news is built around Yasser Arafat, his...

Official Palestinian Radio Broadcasts on the Voice of Palestine: December 23-24

Summary and Analysis VOP led its broadcasts Saturday and Sunday with detailed denials by PA President Yasser Arafat that the PA was contemplating acceptance of a "trade of rights" regarding the questions of Jerusalem and...

Official Palestine Authority Radio News on the PBC’s Voice of Palestine – Dec. 17

Summary and Analysis Beginning Saturday Night, December 16, the Voice of Palestine has reported in detail on the appointment of Colin Powell as U.S. Secretary of State-Designate with a certain amount of concern. VOP has underscored...

Cover Story

Where Will They Go? Palestinian refugees say international law guarantees them a right of return to their homelands. But the law has no teeth, and the refugees fear they have no champion. Near a checkpoint...

“Meddler for Hire”: Will Clinton Remain a Middle East negotiator after Jan. 20th

Secretary of State Madeleine Albright startled some of her interlocutors when, in her conference call with Jewish leaders last week, she mentioned in passing that Europeans and Russians were wondering what role Bill Clinton...