Prelude to War: Anatomy of a non-ceasefire

Israel and the Palestinians pulled back from full-scale war in Gaza on Sunday (November 26), agreeing to a "ceasefire" agreement that officials here say may end up being nothing less than a prelude to...

Deterioration of Human Rights

In order to more correctly assess the impact of the Palestinian authority on human rights it is necessary to go back only one year to July 1997. During this period between Har Homa (the...

November 15, 2012: Necessary Battle Current Postings November 15, 2012: Necessary Battle Yesterday, on its FaceBook page, the IDF put up the following message: “We recommend that no Hamas operatives, whether low level or senior leaders, show their faces above ground in...

The Official Curriculum Used in the Palestine Authority

On 11th January, 1999, former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres opened the session of the PERES CENTER FOR PEACE by saying that the era of Arab Incitement against Israel is a thing of the...

Jordan Braces For ISIL

Jordan has bolstered security measures amid the threat of the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant from neighboring Iraq and Syria. Officials said the military and intelligence community have been on alert for infiltration by...

The Palestinian Proletariat

British Prime Minister David Cameron recently called Gaza a “prison camp.” Former President Jimmy Carter has called it a “cage.” At first glance, these characterizations of the Hamas-ruled ­province seem like rhetorical excesses designed...

Blowing On Shimon Peres’s Candles Normally, I would not raise a big stink about Shimon Peres’s 90th birthday bash. When it comes to birthdays, I salute that great Western Jewish tradition that loves to celebrate at least twice a year...

It’s Not Just the Temple Mount; They Even Claim Susya In land disputes with Israel, Arabs often claim their "historic rights" to almost every part of Israel, often repeating the mantra that their grandfathers had lived on a given tract of land "for centuries" In...

Investigative Report: Green Olive Tours Promotes Palestinian Maximalist Claims Not In Accord with Any... _ Children at Deheishe Refugee Camp Before signing up to go a tour of Bethlehem and Hebron in the Palestinian territories given by Green Olive Tours, I had concerns about how they would portray the...

Report #10: State of Evicted Residents of Gush Katif, Northern Gaza and Northern Shomron...

A member of Moshav Netzer Hazani, Hezi Hazani (no relation to the man for whom it was named), 53, dropped dead on Tuesday in the market place in Netivot, where he and his wife...