Parashas Masei 5774. Glad Not to Be Prime Minister Netanyahu; Miracles All Around Glad not to be Prime Minister Netanyahu I am convinced that Israel had no choice but to undertake a major ground operation into the Gaza Strip, and that the time has never been so propitious...

Calling Out Aggression In The Mideast

As of this writing, the relationship between Israel and Palestine has taken perhaps its most dangerous turn since the Israelis made their controversial decision to leave Gaza in August 2005. To my mind, that agonizing decision was, at...

From Israel: “Yikes!! All At Once??!”

Life is never simple, nor do we have a right to expect it to be. But right now there is a confluence of a number of serious matters – all requiring attention.  Most are...

Ten Lessons of the Recent Gaza War

Only time will tell whether Israel has been successful in buying for itself some time before it needs to “mow the grass” in Gaza again. In the meantime, Israel must learn from what transpired...

MODEL LETTER follow up questions after the murder in Ariel

May 1, 2022 Inquiry to the Prime Minister of Israel. MEDIA@PMO.GOV.IL Following yet another murder of a Jew by a "lone gunman"- this time in Ariel- will the PM demand that that Abbas and the PA...

UK minister warns Palestinians on ‘problematic’ textbooks as EU renews UNRWA support

A Government minister has said she would “urge the Palestinian Authority to remove problematic content from its textbooks” after confirming the UK would be taking part in a pledging conference to commit funds for...

Time for the United Nations to Stop Funding Hate Groups

The world has long had a keen interest in and focus on the Arab-Israeli conflict. Part of this focus, for so many years, has been an unfair, microscopic attention to Israel's actions and relationship...

All Canadians suffer when hatred, lies and bigotry is unchecked

Re: Another Israel super-critic gets funding from the Trudeau Liberals, Barbara Kay, Dec. 31 Article content Barbara Kay’s article should cause huge concern for all minorities, not just the Jews. Kay established that there is no sound...

Urge California Legislative Jewish Caucus to Clarify Status of Ethnic Studies Bill and Help...

Despite “guardrail” amendments that were added to the California ethnic studies high school graduation requirement bill (AB 101) to ensure that required classes would not promote “bias, bigotry and discrimination,” since the bill’s passage in...