Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Wife Sara Pay a Condolence Call on the...

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara, this evening (Tuesday, 14 February 2023), paid a condolence call on the Paley family at their home in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Ramot, where two members...

Media Advisory. Context of Murder

Today, Reporters will cover the funerals of Maya and Rena Dees Z"L in Efrat, murdered in a drive-by shooting. Their mother remains in the hospital..   pictures encl. taken from FB Responsibility for murder  lies with Muhamad Abbas, AKA Abu...

Deciphering the headlines

According to the Oxford language website, deciphering is defined as “succeeding in understanding, interpreting or identifying something.” Having the ability to do this is a requirement these days, especially as the print and online media...


The only way to eliminate lethal pathogens is to thoroughly sanitize the infected areas. Currently, we are witnessing another sort of sanitization. It is the frenetic attempts to absolve and exonerate the pathogenic politicians, political parties...

Israeli City Prepares for Missile Attacks

TEL AVIV -- Israel's military has been bracing for Palestinian missile attacks on a major southern city. Israeli officials said the military has assessed that Palestinian insurgents would launch missile strikes on Ashkelon, north...

WALSH: Myth of a two-state solution It has been 64 years since the United Nations General Assembly approved the Partition Plan for Palestine and the struggle to implement a “two-state solution” began. Today, we are no closer to that end....
The position of women today in the West Bank and Gaza provides chilling insight into what life in a Palestinian state will be like if that state ever becomes a reality.

Robert Fulford: The plight of Palestinian women

Their many admirers in the West like to depict Palestinians as innocent victims of imperialism, anxious to live free under their own state but tragically locked within boundaries imposed by Israel. The myth of the virtuous Palestinian...

NEW REPORT: Faculty Boycotters are Fueling Campus Antisemitism

A new study released today by AMCHA Initiative, Faculty Academic Boycotters: Ground Zero for Campus Antisemitism, examined the unique contribution of faculty who support an academic boycott of Israel to the explosion of antisemitic...

War drums: Are Syria and Russia Preparing to attack Israel?

Over the past year and especially since the Bennett-Abbas government started criticizing Russia for invading Ukraine, Russia and Israel has seen their relationship unravel. Where at one time, Russia appeared to be ambivalent to...