Crying Need for UNRWA to Come Clean on Gaza What’s worse than a United Nations agency that provides massive welfare and support services to a Palestinian enclave run by terrorists? Well, how about having that same agency run by a loquacious Swiss national who...

Lion’s Den: Trust the Palestinian Authority?

The writer ( is director of the Middle East Forum and Taube distinguished visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution of Stanford University. Israelis, Americans and others too often accept the dulcet tones they hear directly...

Official PA radio news – The P.B.C. VOP (Voice of Palestine) Radio: January 23-24

Tuesday Night, January 23rd "The National Authority condemns the killing of two Israeli civilians and is beginning an investigation into the details of the incident; Israel suspends the talks in Taba until after the funeral of...

Jews Observe Solemn Fast, Recall Historical Tragedies

This Sunday, Jewish people around the world observe the fast day that marks the ninth of Av on the Jewish calendar. The fast of the Ninth of Av is only one of two days...

Abbas at the UN: Decoding the Babble Mahmoud Abbas - putative president of the Palestinian Authority - addressed the UN General Assembly on Thursday, focusing on the negotiations between the PA and Israel. How eminently reasonable was the tone he attempted...

The Politics of the Palestinian Right of Return US-backed negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority are entering a critical period. With reports suggesting Israeli acceptance of the 1967 lines and land swaps, what about Palestinian concessions? Two issues are paramount: the...

Official PA radio news – The P.B.C. VOP (Voice of Palestine) Radio: February 3-4

Special Item - PA Announcement - Saturday Night, February 3, 2001 9:10 p.m. "An official spokesman for the Ministry of Information announced that what has been published in the newspapers and in the media regarding...

Poll No. 78, Dec. 2012 – Gaza, Resistance and the UN Bid Summary: Two weeks after the end of the war, a public opinion poll conducted by the JMCC, with support of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung East Jerusalem, aimed at studying the impact of the Gaza war and the...

Offcial PA Radio: PBC Voice of Palestine News Oct 30

Late-Breaking News VOP covered the murder of the man in Gilo in its afternoon programs in a quick sentence saying that Israeli sources reported "the killing of a settler in the colony (musta'mara) of Gilo"...

Palestinian Reconciliation and the Rising Power of Hamas and Islamic Jihad: An Iranian Windfall Vol. 14, No. 14 May 14, 2014 Fatah and Hamas are continuing to talk in an attempt to translate the reconciliation agreement, signed between the sides on April 23, 2014, into a series of operative...