Official PA website blames Israel for those murdered by Documentation: Official PA website blames...

#1 PA now blames Israel PA website on 21 June 2005: "Israel's officially adopted policy of extra-judicial killings claimed the lives of six Palestinians, including two laborers, and a Chinese worker early in June." #2 PA...

Exaggerating the Refugee Problem The situation in the Middle East is complicated enough without inflammatory oversimplifications. Lara Friedman’s post “Legislating the Refugee Problem,” should be called “Exaggerating the Refugee Problem.” Unfortunately, supposedly pro-Palestinian discourse is rife with such...

What Wingate Wrought Everyone still remembers T. E. Lawrence, if only because of David Lean’s magnificent movieLawrence of Arabia and Lawrence’s own literary masterpiece,Seven Pillars of Wisdom. Yet far fewer remember Lawrence’s distant cousin, the British Army officer...

Abbas and Hamas stage non-peaceful rage

As per the pre-determined script designed for media and gullible politicians alike, Jerusalem Day and shifting the US Embassy to the Capital produced the desired results…writes Michael Kuttner. Combined with the annual frenzy associated with...

Special Israel Resource Report: The Palestinian Authority’s Media Views Israel’s Elections

Publicly, the Palestinian Authority has repeated that it has not intervened in Israel's current election campaign. But the Palestinian media, licensed and controlled by the PA, have increasingly focused on the elections and published...

Gaza’s Inhabitants Share the Blame with Hamas

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The claim that Gaza’s inhabitants are hapless victims of Hamas is highly questionable. Gazans are either silent about or openly supportive of the trading of corpses of Israeli soldiers in return for Hamas...

Israel’s War for Standing in the Media

"They may have won all the battles. We had all the good songs" Tom Lehrer, That Was The Year That Was - 1966. "When you promote our cause, never say that it is a military struggle...

Thin Palestinian NGO narrative about 2 Palestinians killed after attempt to stab soldier

It was a stretch, but the Palestinian PCHR narrative, that fails to seriously address the Israeli accounting of what transpired, still came to the conclusion that Israel should be condemned. #1. What happened: 2 Palestinans killed after attempt...

J Street’s Spin Reversed by CAMERA Op-Ed The Washington Jewish Week featured J Street, the self-described “pro-Israel, pro-peace” lobby in page one articles twice in April, published J Street opinion columns once that month and again in the May 16 edition,...

On Palestinian Aid and Accountability

The decision to resume American aid to the Palestinians is a classic example of cart-before-the-horse thinking that has existed in one form or another for the past seven decades. Upwards of $235 million dollars...