Will Mara Rudman and US AID receive new feedback from the government of Israel...

The decision of the government of Israel, announced in March 2011 and reiterated n August 2012, to place incitement in PA education on the agenda of Middle East negotiations,lacked any communication to the foreign...

No Word of Condemnation From Arafat to His Own People in Their Own Language

In the aftermath of the bombs that blew up in Jerusalem's Machane Yehudah open air market today in Jerusalem, our news agency, which covers the peace process and the fledgling Palestine Authority, listened intently...

Abu Mazen Incorporates PLO Terror Groups into his Cabinet

The new Palestinian prime minister, Mahmoud Abbas, visited Gaza Strip on Saturday for the first time since his appointment, meeting leaders of Palestinian movements as he works to form a Cabinet. Abbas has been...

After surviving ‘death boat,’ Palestinians locked up in Egypt

http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2013/Nov-20/238373-after-surviving-death-boat-palestinians-locked-up-in-egypt.ashx#axzz2lGeNfv5d A Palestinian passenger, hoping to cross into Egypt, sits behind a fence as she waits at the Rafah crossing between Egypt and the southern Gaza Strip November 19, 2013. (REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa)ALEXANDRIA, Egypt: After...


Entrance to UNWRA's Aida Palestinian Refugee Camp near Bethlehem, with key representing the right of return that says "not for Sale" photo by Rhonda spivak Mural of a former Palestinian village (as it was in 1948)...

Military Implications of the Seizure of the PLO Gun Ship

Alongside the diplomatic efforts to reach a ceasefire with Israel, the Palestinian Authority (PA) has been involved -- since the beginning of the second intifada -- in the indigenous production of weapons and ammunition...

Senate fight today over Palestinian ‘refugees’

http://thecable.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2012/05/24/senate_fight_today_over_palestinian_refugees Thirty U.S. senators will vote today over whether there really are 5 million Palestinian "refugees" or just around 30,000 -- a hot-button issue that has already become the subject of a vigorous international debate...

On the First Day of Cease Fire?

We are ending the first day of the ceasefire in Lebanon. Here in Israel we really didn't expect it to hold even this long -- didn't expect Hezbollah to hold fire for more than and...

Palestine Broadcasting Corporation Children’s TV Program

Video is available from "SHALOM LEDOROT" - Address listed below. This video was shown at the March 11, 1998 hearings at the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee "All means of... education" The P.L.O. Covenant - Article 7 What...

ספרי הלימוד של הרשות הפלסטינית (רש”פ): ההתייחסות ליהודים, לישראל ולשלום

תמצית מנהלים המחקר הנוכחי מכסה את כל ביטויי ההתייחסות ל"אחר" היהודי ישראלי ולשלום עימו המצויים בספרי הלימוד העדכניים ביותר שיצאו לאור מטעם הרשות הפלסטינית לשימוש בכל בתיה"ס ביהודה, שומרון ורצועת עזה וכן בבתיה"ס שבמזרח ירושלים הפועלים לפי...