Bethlehem’s Massive Tourist Plans Include … One New Hotel

At a time when hundreds of thousands of tourists may possibly make their way to Bethlehem next Christmas and New Years to usher in the new century, including the Pope, and another possible visit...

Gov’t votes not to renew transfer of PA taxes Palestinian unilateral statehood is as dangerous as terror attacks, Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz said Monday. He defended the security cabinet’s decision to continue to freeze the transfer of tax revenues to the Palestinian Authority. At the...

UN Representative Richard Falk Compares Terror Group Hamas to WWII French Resistance The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the ‘Palestinian territories’ has compared Hamas terrorists to French resistance fighters during World War II. Richard Falk, well known for his anti-Israel positions, made the statements in an article...

Full CNN profiles of Netanyahu/Arafat: Worthy of Feedback to CNN

The profiles of Netanyahu and Arafat which are on the CNN web site: and Note: The one time CNN uses the word "terrorist" is about Netanyahu's political movement, with no specifics, no justification for the use...


Official Palestinian Authority broadcast media have sharply increased anti-Israeli propaganda in recent days, including explicit and implicit calls for suicide attacks on Israeli civilians and kidnappings of Israeli soldiers. "Oh, Lord, martyrdom is for...

FOLLOW UP QUESTION: PRESS STATEMENT: UNRWA calls for restraint as violence escalates in the...

From: Dr. Aaron LernerSent: Wednesday, July 02, 2014 6:03 PMTo: Greetings, “We again call on the Israeli authorities to refrain from punishing individuals for offences they themselves have not personally committed.” What is the view of...

What’s Really Happening in Gaza; What’s Really Not Happening in the West Bank Elsewhere, I have explained in great detail the changes in Israeli policy as well as the implications of Western policy in the Gaza Strip: economic normalization meaning also normalization of the existence of a...

Palestinian Demand to Return to Villages from 1948 Is Real

Filmaker: “For the Sake of Nakba: The Campaign for the Right of Return” Every aspect of PA education,introduced in the UNRWA refugee camps and in the nascent Palestinian Authority in 1994, addresses the right of...

Colonel Rajoub Describes Israel’s Breaches of the Tenet Work Plan

Palestine Media Center (PMC) Sunday, June 17, 2001 Today 17 June, Palestinian chief of Preventive Security in the West Bank, Colonel Jibreel Rajoub held a press conference at the Palestine Media Center (PMC). The conference...

Hamas Issues ‘Terrorism 101 Handbook’ Hamas has been disseminating to its followers in the Gaza Strip a detailed terrorism training manual that teaches would-be bombers how to make explosives and conceal them in household items such as televisions, according...