Call for Israeli Arabs to Revolt

The official Palestinian broadcast media repeatedly beamed today comments by PLO leader Mahmoud Abbas in which he condemned Israeli Foreign Minister Sylvan Shalom as "undemocratic" because he warned that Israel would be foolish to...

Continues Anti-US Incitement

JERUSALEM, June 4 Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas announced Saturday the indefinite postponement of the Palestinian legislative elections in what was widely seen as a political maneuver designed to help Abbas's faltering Fatah movement reorganize against...

Official Palestinian Authority Media Report that Israel has Agreed that “Badr Division” of Palestinian...

June 11, 2005 Voice of Palestine radio reported late Saturday that Israel had reached agreement with Jordan and the Palestinian Authority (PA) to allow the "Badr Division" of Palestinian forces to enter the West Bank...

Abbas Steers Clear Of Condemning Attack

Following Monday's Palestinian bombing in a Tel Aviv restaurant which resulted in the deaths of nine people, the media was rampant with the news of a "clear condemnation of the bombing from Palestinian Authority...

Sec’y Rice Sanctions Terror Group which the State Department Designates as a Terror Organization

Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice has arrived in Israel and scheduled meetings with the Fatah, which operates the Al Aksa Martyrs Brigade, designated by the US State Dep't as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO)...

US Sec’y of State Rice Launches Initiative for Immediate Arms and Recognition of Palestinian...

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is promoting a new initiative to establish a temporary, sovereign and armed Palestinian state Rice will try to promote her initiative soon through extensive international shuttle diplomacy, which...

Israel Struggles With PLO’s ‘Right Of Return’ Demands

With the genesis of the Oslo process in 1993, what escaped the attention of the mainstream media in Israel and abroad was the continuing insistence of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) that all Palestinian...

On the Jewish Question in Annapolis

Herewith some thoughts about tomorrow's Annapolis peace conference, and the larger problem of how to approach the Israel-Palestine conflict. The first question (one might think it is obvious but apparently not) is, "What is...

A Diary of Insight in Middle East Reporting

Posting: April 17, 2008 "Carter's Destruction" Today is the day that Jimmy Carter -in defiance of requests from several quarters that he not do so-is going to be meeting with officials from Hamas. To achieve peace,...

20 Middle East Policy Questions to Ask Candidates Running for Public of Office in...

I have spent the past week covering Middle East policy issues during the presidential primaries in Pennsylvania, in my capacity as the Middle East correspondent for the Philadelphia Bulletin. I find that people hesitate about...