The Palestinian Authority: Facing Genuine Financial Crisis or Not?

Children are begging on the streets. The medical system is on the verge of collapse. The Palestinian Authority appears to be facing a humanitarian crisis of major dimensions - presumably because donors have decided...

Remarks To the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, Regarding the Situation of Palestinian Refugees

Mr. Chairman, thank-you for the opportunity to address this report on the situation of Palestinian refugees. While Canada is only an observer in this Assembly, we have a significant interest in this issue as...

Incisive Commentary from Arlene Kushner

Posting: August 2, 2007 "Hot Air" It's hot air, all right. Foul hot air, but air none the less. Consider all of the following: Abbas, who cannot get his act together and couldn't run a nation if...

The Muslim Brotherhood and Washington: Courtship and Its Discontents Middle East Media Monitor is an FPRI E-Note series, designed to review once a month a current topic from the perspective of the foreign language press. These articles will focus on providing FPRI’s readership...

Abbas to UN: Palestinians reject anything less than all of eastern Jerusalem – entire... Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA: All day the Israeli left praised Abbas - certain that he was interested in a deal. But he answered at the UN: "We will accept no less than the all...

Why A Two-State Solution Will Not Work For Israel

In early September, in my capacity as the head of the Sderot Media Center, I was invited to take part in a press conference in the Norwegian capitol of Oslo, together with the Israeli...

Any Jewish Lawyers Out There Who Want to Defend Israel? In about one month the International Solidarity Movement will hold a national conference in St. Louis, Missouri, at a Jesuit college no less, where they will train college radicals from all over the US...

“Between Palestine and Hamastine”

"Our situation is firm, we are expecting an upheaval." This was the closing sentence of the latest report sent from Hamas headquarters in the territories to the headquarters in Syria. The strengthening of Hamas...


Rhonda Spivak is an attorney, writer, and member of Canadian & Israel Bar Associations, now edits Winnipeg Jewish Review at Fatah's Ahmed Qurai, Former Palestinian Prime Minister, and Israeli Opposition Leader Tzipi Livni, former...

Rights Spelled Clear As promised, a different sort of posting here: legal and historical background that is essential to understanding Jewish rights in the land. This review will be succinct, with links to informational sites for those who...