The Palestinian Authority sponsors terrorism, and the Taylor Force Act has finally put it...

The stunning acknowledgment by Congress through the passage of the Taylor Force Act that the Palestinian Authority has laws in place and budgets allocated to paying terrorists and their families has changed the narrative...

Official PA News Agency Threatens the US with “Rage” of the World Warns That...

With thanks to IMRA for locating this release. Gaza, April 7, 2002, Wafa, the Political Editor: We are at the doorstep of another massacre orchestrated by the war criminal Gen. Mofaz and his highly ranked staff,...

Official Palestinian Authority statement on the eve of Sec, of State Colin Powell’s visit

For several days now, the news published in the world about the devastating effects of the Israeli siege imposed upon the Palestinian occupied territory have served to forge a new discourse: it has become...

Myth of a Demilitarized Palestinian State

It is a commonly held assumption that a demilitarized Palestinian Arab state would emerge from the current entity known as the Palestine Authority, which would serve the "security interests of the state of Israel",...

A Betrayal of Bush’s Vision for Democratic Process in the Middle East?

SCENARIO ONE: Rajoub... Last week, Arafat's security chief, Col. Jabril Rajoub, declared to the Palestinian Arabic language media that the PLO should confine its terrorist activity against Israel to the areas that Israel captured in...

Canada’s role in the ‘right of return’

Jerusalem - A cardinal principle of the Arab information campaign against Israel since the inception of the Jewish state 53 years ago has focused on the plight of Palestinian Arabs who left their homes...

Blaming the Victim -Barack-Obama-Nicolas-Sarkozy-blaming-victim.html?ito=feeds-newsxml # One of the most egregious signs of western irrationality and bigotry over the issue of Israel is the way in which its Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is routinely scapegoated for causing the breakdown...

‘Replace Hatred with Hebrew in the Palestinian Curriculum if You Want them to Succeed’

Jerusalem is looking to become a model for co-existence by helping the Arab residents integrate into the workforce.  How will they do it? By replacing the hatred in Palestinian Authority schoolbooks with Hebrew. The international...

UNRWA hails Qatar’s Al Khater as ‘great advocate’ for Palestinian refugees

The United Nations praised the role of Qatar’s Assistant Foreign Minister Lolwah Al Khater and the Gulf nation for its support of Palestinian refugees. In a meeting in Doha between Al Khater and the UN’s...

From the Battle of Badr to Military Defeat: Changes in Hamas Perceptions of the...

The Hamas invasion of Israel on October 7, 2023 was quickly characterized by Hamas as fulfillment of a prophecy about the destruction of Israel. Hamas cast the invasion as a Palestinian version of the...