The Bush Visit in Context

Glad to see him go, won't be eager to have him come back. But there are a few observations to be made regarding his final statements once he left Ramallah and returned here to...

Shameless in Gaza

Gaza is the most conservative of Palestinian communities; its Islamist militants once set fire to a sea-front hotel, a restaurant and other such dens of iniquity. So imagine the pious horror at the opening of...

Romney vs. Obama vis-à-vis Israel "President Obama has thrown allies like Israel under the bus." That's what Mitt Romney, Republican candidate for president, said in the high-profile speech accepting his party's nomination last week, repeating a slang phrase for...

Palestinian Authority (PA) Cheerleading Increasing Terror Attacks

Palestinian terrorists staged a massive series of rocket and mortar attacks along Israel's southern border in an apparent attempt to abduct another Israeli soldier, and Israeli army officers renewed their calls for a major...


Rhonda Spivak, an attorney and a writer, is a member of the Canadian and Israel Bar Associations. Hanna Seniora, the man that Yasser Arafat appointed to be The Palestinian Authority’s Ambassador to the U.S. in...

The Gaddafi Precedent

There are many reasons to be worried about the bridge-leap the Obama Administration has just undertaken in its war with Muamar Gaddafi. How it will all end is just one of them. What I find...

Hijacked by Hate

Anti-Muslim bigotry is a common and widespread feature of our country’s mainstream cultural and political landscape. However, it is important to remember that Islamophobic attitudes and policies are propagated by special interest groups with...

What is the Basis for the Legal Status of Israel and the Settlements

Moshe Negbi, a well-known legal commentator for the Ma'ariv daily as well as for Kol Yisrael radio, was interviewed here last week. One of the subjects discussed was the legality or lack thereof of...

‘Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity’ designated as terrorist organization

Defense Minister Benny Gantz signed an order designating "Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity", also known as Samidoun, as a terrorist organization upon the recommendation of the National Bureau for Counter Terror Financing (NBCTF) and the...

“Generic” Complaint that Can be Filed Against the U.S. State Department for Coercing Jews...

(This "generic letter" can be used as the basis for anyone who would like to make claim against the U.S. State Department in the matter of American support for the policies of Ariel Sharon...