Choose your enemy: Assad or Israel? There is no need to support either. When Israel attacks the Syrian regime, it does so because it aims to defend its security and interests. And the same goes for us when we were happy...

Al Ahram on Israel Scene and Peace Process

The following are excerpts from articles which appeared in the Egyptian English weekly, Al-Ahram. A Watershed in Israel by Mohamed Sid-Ahmed David Levy's resignation should not be regarded as one other minister quitting Netanyahu's right-wing coalition, but...


Email Share RSS Gershon baskin in his offcie at IPCRI in Tantur, jerusalem, near Bethlehem In a session at the J-street conference on February 28, 2011 in Washington, Garson Baskin CEO of the Israel Palestine Research...

The Two State Delusion VII: Changing Arab Perspectives:Iran

The Obama administration argues the extreme urgency of achieving the “Two-State Solution” as necessary to gain support from the Arab states in our conflict with the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Certainly we want any...

Palestinian Authority Referred to the terror attack as a “military operation” .

Dr. Michael Widlanski is a specialist in Arab politics and communication whose doctorate dealt with the Palestinian broadcast media. He is a *former reporter, correspondent and editor, respectively, at The New York Times, The...

Where Does the Money Go? A Study of the Palestinian Authority

The Palestinian Authority: Where Does the Money Go? The following is an examination of how the PA, led by Yasser Arafat, has systemically and systematically used corruption and crime, and diverted funds donated for the...

Incitement: The Missing Element in the Sharm el-Sheikh Memorandum*

The agreement signed between Israel and the PLO on Sept. 4th, 1999 was different in one significant way from the Oslo accords that were reached in August, 1993 and the Wye Accords that were...

Sharon’s Target is Arafat, not Hamas

The developments over the past two weeks have made it very clear that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is not fighting a war against Hamas, but one against Palestinian President Yasser Arafat. On the face...

Official PA radio news P.B.C. VOP (Voice of Palestine) Radio: January 31

Summary and Analysis VOP and the Palestinian Authority dramatically changed their hands-off approach to Ehud Barak and Ariel Sharon within the last 24 hours, jumping into the Israeli election campaign. The marked shift was evident in...

How to Depoliticize Palestinian Refugee Status

In a bold reversal of longstanding Israeli policy, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently called for dismantling the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) and rolling its functions into the United Nations High Commission on Refugees...