Four Questions for Reporters to Ask in the New Year

On July 15th, 2007, Israel Resource News Agency placed four questions of consequence to the governments of the United States and Israel concerning the Fatah: 1. The Israel Ministry of Justice and the United...

Cutting Edge Interview: War Indoctrination in the Palestinian Authority Martin Blackham talks with David Bedein, Writer, Investigative Journalist and Founder of The Israel Resource News Agency in particular regarding the issue of The United Nations Relief & Works Agency For Palestinian Refugees In...

Conference That Plans The Demise Of Israel Set For Tel Aviv: Realizing The Return...

29-30.9.2013 VENUE Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv - The Rothschild Auditorium, 2 Haim Levanon street, Tel Aviv. conference will take place in the area of the village Shaykh Muwannis, which was located there till the Nakba The conference...

Palestinian and European Journalists Discuss Palestinian Arab media image

Palestinian and European journalists agreed that the September 11 events constituted an important chapter in the media war between the Palestinians and the Israelis. Several European journalists expressed the belief that Israel won the media...

Gaza’s Inhabitants Share the Blame with Hamas

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The claim that Gaza’s inhabitants are hapless victims of Hamas is highly questionable. Gazans are either silent about or openly supportive of the trading of corpses of Israeli soldiers in return for Hamas...

Israeli Arabs: Emerging as a Fifth Column for Iran?

Among the Arab citizens of Israel, who constitute more than one million Israeli citizens and more than 15% of Israel's population, there is a widespread support for Iran. This has begun to worry the...

Arafat makes poison gas accusation aganst Israel

President Arafat at the Ministerial Meeting of OIC; Israel uses depleted uranium, poison gases and radioactive material in war to exterminate the Palestinians; no compromise on return of refugees their homes President Arafat addressing the...

Mortar Attacks on Israelis from UN Safe Haven

Israel's ambassador to the United Nations, Dan Gillerman, sent a letter to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan on Sunday, October 3rd, 2004, demanding the dismissal of Peter Hansen from his position as commissioner-general of UNRWA...

The truth about ISM The family of Rachel Corrie, who was crushed by an army bulldozer during a pro-Palestinian demonstration in Gaza in 2003, filed a civil suit against the State of Israel for their daughter's death. This...

The Scenarios of the Palestinian State in Formation

An elder statesman of Great Britain in the late eighteenth century, Sir Edmund Burke, reported that he was often asked why he would not support the French revolution. After all, Burke's colleagues noted, he had...