News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (June 10 – 16, 2020)

Israel's southern border was tense this past week after several months of relative quiet due to the Gaza Strip's fight against COVID-19. A rocket was fired at Israel (the first since May 6, 2020)...

UNRWA: Protesting Too Much at June 17, 2011 - 01:50:35 AM CDT What do you do when your license to continue operating as a human service provider is about to come under review? If you are smart, you devise...

Converging Toward Hamas There are many points of disagreement between Fatah and Hamas; so many that they fought an ugly civil war in 2007, leaving Hamas in control of Gaza and Fatah in control of the West...

Covering Left Wing Conferences in the US – in Boston and in Columbus

We dispatched a journalist to report on a conference that took place More gathered on the weekend of October 31-November 2nd in Boston, where more than 700 particpants discusse thee Geneva accords that have...

The Relegitimization of Israel and the Battle for the Mainstream Consensus: Article from the...

Joel Fishman is a historian and a fellow of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. He is also a member of the board of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East and served as...

Official Palestinian Radio News: The Voice of Palestine (V.O.P.) March.5th. The PLO Non-Reaction to...

Summary and Analysis The Voice of Palestine began its special Feast of Sacrifice ('Eid al-Adha) programming with prayers and sermon from the Al-Aqsa, including a call from the mosque sheikh "to liberate Jerusalem" and...

How Israel lets the Palestinians get free power while taking over land

I have driven down the long, winding road between Neve Tzuf and Ofarim in the western Binyamin region countless times. It is one of the most beautiful routes in the country. This time, however,...

Human rights organizations demand accountability for the perpetrators of attacks on peaceful gatherings, and...

Palestinian human rights organizations called for an emergency meeting held at Al-Haq Foundation, following the attacks by the security services on participants in the peaceful gatherings that were organized during the past days in...

Israel Upset By Reports of Bashing at Palestinian Refugee Conference

Israel expressed its disappointment on Monday over its exclusion from an international conference on Palestinian refugees and over reports that the conference was used as a platform for Israel-bashing. The two-day conference, held in Geneva,...