http://www.winnipegjewishreview.com/article_detail.cfm?id=3171&sec=1&title=RAMALLAH_AND_BERLIN:__REFLECTIONS_ON_GERMANY%27S_VOTE_AT_THE_UN__RE:_THE_PA_STATEHOOD_BID There are a lot of reasons I can think of why Germany ought to have voted "no" in response to the Palestinian unilateral bid for statehood at the UN, one which Mahmoud Abbas declared...

Remarks To the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, Regarding the Situation of Palestinian Refugees

Mr. Chairman, thank-you for the opportunity to address this report on the situation of Palestinian refugees. While Canada is only an observer in this Assembly, we have a significant interest in this issue as...

Reaction of the Palestinian Authority to the International Criminal Court (ICC) Decision to Investigate...

Senior Palestinian Authority (PA) figures expressed satisfaction with the majority ruling handed down by a panel of pre-trial ICC judges on February 5, 2021 regarding opening an investigation into the events in "Palestine." According to...

There is no joy in Mudville, Ramallah

While the entire Arab world covered the Saddam Hussein capture in great detail, the official Palestine Broadcasting Corporation radio carried a short, curt announcement of his incarceration, and Arafat issued a brief statement about...

Israel Poisoning the Water with “Super Drink”

Analysis of the Palestinian media June 14, 2005 Voice of Palestine radio V.O.P. ran a long and rather strange item in the middle of the day in which aPA cabinet Minister warned about drinking "Super Drink"...

Herb Green: The Man Who Nurtured the Land

The man whose generosity helped fund a new town for the residents of Gush Katif's community of Netzarim has passed away. But 76-year-old Herb Green and his wife Joyce were not only supporters of Haluzit,...

Jews and the Land of Israel: Part X: Wording of the Balfour Declaration and...

*Editor’s Note: This is the tenth installment in the most recent series of articles from Jewish Press Online contributor, Alex Grobman, PhD   Allen Z. Hertz, formerly senior advisor in the Privy Council Office serving Canada’s...

State Department Legitimizes Terror

http://www.mythsandfacts.org/article_view.asp?articleID=253 Update: To whom did the Obama administration grant permission to fly the Palestinian Liberation Organization flag in Washington D.C.? The answer: Palestinian Arabs - A society whose overwhelming majority nurtures a blind hatred of Israel,...

UN to discuss UNWRA’s definition of Palestinian refugees

http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_article.php?id=17579 The United Nations is scheduled on Monday to discuss revisions to the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. The discussion will focus, among other things, on an initiative...

The Geneva Accord: A Strategic Assessment

A self-appointed Israeli negotiating team, claiming to speak in the name of a majority of Israelis, concluded the Geneva Accord with a Palestinian delegation. It conceded almost all the security arrangements for the West...