Gaza Rally for “Right of Return Attended by UN Official Last week on “Nakba Day,” the Palestinian commemoration of the disaster that was the founding of Israel, a group of children addressed a press conference at the Palestinian Ministry of Culture in Gaza. The...

Jews Observe Solemn Fast, Recall Historical Tragedies

This Sunday, Jewish people around the world observe the fast day that marks the ninth of Av on the Jewish calendar. The fast of the Ninth of Av is only one of two days...

Incitement from Official PA Cleric in Friday Mosque Sermon

Palestinians warn of al-Aqsa attack in mosque incitement, Qreia briefing, while pushing tough line In a fiery official sermon on Palestinian State Television Friday (March 18, 2005), Palestinian preacher Sheikh Ibrahim Mudeiris declared that the...

Jordanian Sheikh: “There is no ‘Palestine’ in the Koran. Allah gave Israel to the... Sheikh Ahmad Adwan, who introduces himself as a Muslim scholar who lives in Jordan, said on his personal Facebook page that there is no such thing as “Palestine” in the Koran. Allah has assigned...

Would Uprooting Jews Violate International Humanitarian Treaties?

Plans by the Israeli Government to forcibly remove Jews from their homes in the West Bank and Gaza breach the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966 as well as the United...

A State in the Making: Rights and Duties

President Arafat's mention of a possible confederation with Jordan has stirred numerous comments. The president's remarks, however, need to be understood in the context in which they were spoken. At the time he made the...

Netanyahu: Apologize if You Want Canada to Understand New Hamas Threat

On October 1, 1997, a few hours before the New Jewish Year began this year, Gazan Hamas leader Abdul Aziz Rantissi declared that he would dispatch more suicide bombers into Israel, to kill Israelis...

UNRWA Status Update on Capitol Hill A war is brewing on Capitol Hill. And while wars tend to create refugees, this one may result in fewer of them. Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL) is trying to get a handle on the real...

Half the Story: Analysis of Amnesty’s 2012 World Report

JERUSALEM - In response to Amnesty International's 2012 World Report, NGO Monitor today released the following statement: · As in many previous reports, Amnesty continues to level unsupported allegations of violations of international law against...

The False “Nakba” Narrative

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The term “Nakba,” originally coined to describe the magnitude of the self-inflicted Palestinian and Arab defeat in the 1948 war, has become in recent decades a synonym for Palestinian victimhood, with failed...