Weekly Commentary: USA Visa Waiver Program for Palestinians as Compensation for No Jerusalem Consulate

October 21, 2021 So President Biden and Secretary of State Blinken apparently promised the Palestinians they would open a consulate in Jerusalem without getting the approval needed from the sovereign State of Israel. It has been reported that...

Obama Distances Himself From Malley

The Obama transition team is working to distance itself from a controversial negotiator who has been negotiating with Israel's enemies. Robert Malley, Middle East director of the International Crisis Group, a think tank that has...

Video Games and Cigarettes: Syria’s Disneyland for Jihadists

http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/foreign-jihadists-in-syria-favor-liberal-transit-towns-over-front-a-910092.html Atmeh looks like the set for a movie about al-Qaida. New arrivals pulling suitcases on wheels search for their emirs, Africans and Asians can be seen on the village streets, and long-haired men dressed...

Continues Anti-US Incitement

JERUSALEM, June 4 Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas announced Saturday the indefinite postponement of the Palestinian legislative elections in what was widely seen as a political maneuver designed to help Abbas's faltering Fatah movement reorganize against...

Qatar ups funding for UN Palestinian refugees agency

Qatar pledged more funding Tuesday for the United Nations’ Palestinian refugees organization. The Qatar Fund for Development announced an $18 million contribution to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). The money...

Bennett orders seizure of PA funds for families of Arab Israeli terror convicts

Defense Minister Naftali Bennett on Wednesday declared he was taking steps to make sure that “Jewish blood will no longer be financially lucrative,” after signing an order to prevent families of Arab Israelis convicted...

Why Do Children Learn the Art of War During the Peace Process: Review...

On the day that Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak was en route to Washington to meet with President Bill Clinton to revive the peace process with the Palestinian Authority, the "Center for Monitoring the...

Living in the Only Place in the World Where There are No Human Rights...

This morning, I came to my office at the press center in Jerusalem at 9:45 a.m. and was greeted with two new dissonant realities within minutes. An official letter from the Israel Government Lands Authority...

Disengagement Lessons: Flawed Pullout Predictions Should Make Olmert Rethink His Plan

Eight months after the withdrawal from Gaza, or what was referred to as a "unilateral disengagement," things are not developing according to the early scenario marketed to the public. Almost nothing has materialized in the...

The Media in the 2021 Gaza War: The New York Times’ Journalistic Malpractice

Institute for Contemporary Affairs Founded jointly with the Wechsler Family Foundation No. 648     July 7, 2021 This article is part of the forthcoming Jerusalem Center research report: The Gaza War 2021: Hamas and Iran Attack Israel. ...