Mr. Abbas, Tear Down This Wall! Reject the Notion of the Right of Return...

<!-- End #wrapmain #pri.article.articleTitle --> UNRWA Balata Refugee Camp, 2003. <!-- End #wrapmain #pri.article.articleTitle --> . While the world's headlines focus with exaggerated alarm on Israel's lifting of its ten-month building freeze within Jewish West Bank settlements, an issue of...

The Assessments of Israeli Intelligence

This last week the security establishment has been bombarded with an unprecedented number of intelligence warnings. Even the most veteran GSS and IDF officers, those who have seen everything, can't remember so many concentrated intelligence...

Why A Two-State Solution Will Not Work For Israel

In early September, in my capacity as the head of the Sderot Media Center, I was invited to take part in a press conference in the Norwegian capitol of Oslo, together with the Israeli...

This Week In the Palestinian Authority: Issue Three

Editor's note:Welcome to the third edition of "Inside the PA," a weekly on-line publication designed to provide an open-source and yet valuable insight into the workings of the Palestinian Authority. We will review important...

The Palestinian Authority donor machin

When it comes to humanitarian aid to the Palestinian Authority, transparency does not exist. The result is a rich Palestinian elite, which builds exclusive neighborhoods around Ramallah, leaving thousands of shoddily constructed apartments without services for the...

Palestinians From Syria: The Worst Treatment of All There are over 500,000 Palestinian “refugees” in Syria, as counted by the UN agency handling Palestinian “refugees,” the UN Relief and Works Agency or UNRWA. The quotation marks are especially apt in this case,...

“Say No to Haider” and Say Nothing About Assad and Arafat

The World Zionist Organization this week hired a major public relations firm to mobilize world opinion against the inclusion of the rightist Jorgen Haider in the new Austrian government coalition. The slogan adopted by the...

USAID Releases $2 Million for Women Entrepreneurs

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 18 January 2005 Press Office: 03 511 4846 Email: < a> Ramallah, West Bank - The American government is releasing $2 million to the "Palestine for Credit & Development" organization, FATEN, to support micro-finance activities...

UNRWA’s Self-serving Agenda

Dr Uri Resnick currently serves as the Deputy Consul General for the Israel Embassy in Los Angeles. Previously, Dr. Resnick previously served as the head of the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs Division as...

To Condi; Who is Humiliating Whom?

On October 11, 2006 in a Keynote Address to the American Task Force on Palestine, Secretary Condoleezza Rice claimed that Palestinian Arabs feel "daily humiliation of occupation." Palestinians say they feel humiliated and harassed...