General Assembly of Jewish Federations Gathers in Philadelphia Under a Cloud of War

It is difficult for any large organization to switch gears. The United Jewish Communities The UJC of North America, which comprises all major Jewish organizations in North America, gathers this week for its annual "General...


For years, America, Britain and the EU have insisted that Mahmoud Abbas is a moderate and a statesman-in-waiting who deserves to be rewarded with a state of Palestine. For years, they have insisted that...

Exposing & Reforming UNRWA DONATE TODAY AND HELP US EXPOSE THE UNLAWFUL PRACTICES OF UNRWA I. Introduction The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) is currently petitioning donor nations to increase to...

Yossi Kuperwasser analyses Palestinian incitement On Monday 11 November, Brig. Gen. (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser, the Director General of Israel’s Ministry for Strategic Affairs, who leads a project to monitor and evaluate Palestinian incitement against Israel, addressed a forum on...

Full CNN profiles of Netanyahu/Arafat: Worthy of Feedback to CNN

The profiles of Netanyahu and Arafat which are on the CNN web site: and Note: The one time CNN uses the word "terrorist" is about Netanyahu's political movement, with no specifics, no justification for the use...

This Week In the Palestinian Authority: Issue Three

Editor's note:Welcome to the third edition of "Inside the PA," a weekly on-line publication designed to provide an open-source and yet valuable insight into the workings of the Palestinian Authority. We will review important...

Hamas leaders meet with Abbas in Qatar, present ‘complete vision’ for reconciliation

Leaders of the Hamas movement announced on Thursday that they had offered Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas a “complete vision” to achieving reconciliation between Hamas and the ruling Fatah movement. Hamas politburo head Khalid Mashaal, his...

Palestinian Suffering Used to Demonize Israel Executive Summary: As long as Palestinians continue to serve as lightning rod against Jews, their supposed victimization reaffirming the latter’s millenarian demonization, Israel will never be allowed to defend itself. No sooner had Israel launched...

Jerusalem’s Decreasing Isolation While European guilt over its colonialist past facilitates the acceptance of the Palestinian-as-victim narrative and while the latent, traditional anti-Semitism that culminated in the Holocaust has never been eliminated, Israel is still not quite...

One Year After His Inauguration : Does President Obama Seek a Weak Israel?

The author was formerly senior advisor in the Privy Council Office serving Canada's Prime Minister and the federal cabinet. Earlier he worked in Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs and taught history and law at...