Defending the Invitiation to Sari Nusseibeh to Lunch

I want to give a full report on the Nusseibeh meeting, because it has caused a firestorm around the country that no one expected. I suggest that my remarks be sent to all the chapters...

Plenty of blame to go around in Gaza

When Israel boarded another ship bound for Gaza last weekend and escorted it to an Israeli port without incident, it demonstrated to me that both sides, Israel and the activists, hold blame for the...

Interview With Marwan Bargouti, Tanzim leader

This week "Palestine Report" interviewed Marwan Barghouti, General Secretary of Fateh higher committee in the West Bank, on the escalating crisis between Palestinians and Israel. PR: Some people are saying that Palestinians have not learned...

Abbas’ Palestinian Authority Hurts Everybody

The Palestinian Authority was established in 1994 as the main product of the Oslo Accords. Based on responsibilities outlined for it in the agreement, expectations from the new entity were very high. The P.A....

Iranian School Books Prepare a New Generation for War with America

A new study of 115 Iranian school textbooks concludes that Iran is preparing its children for war, and is willing to risk massive casualties for the opportunity to defeat America in a world-wide cataclysmic...

With encouragement from a VATICAN official, Israeli government finally denounces a Palestinian school system...

See: Israel Government Report on Palestinian Incitement This past Monday, Israeli Intelligence Affairs Minister Dr. Yuval Steinitz and the Director General of his ministry, Brig.-Gen. (ret.) Yossi Kuperwasser held an unprecedented press conference on...

Excerpts from an interview with Nayif Hawatimah, Secretary-General of the Democratic Front for the...

Have you taken notice of the reports prepared by the Central Control Commission regarding the spread of huge corruption within the lobbies of the Palestinian Authority? If your answer is in the affirmative,...

Book review – Heidemarie Wawrzyn’s Nazis in the Holy Land 1933-1948

Gil ZoharRehov Yoel Moshe Salomon 7Nachalat Shiva, JerusalemIsrael 94633 Nazis in Palestine 1933-1948 recounts the demise of the Palästina-DeutscheHeidemarie WawrzynNazis in the Holy Land 1933-1948Walter de Gruyter GmbH Berlin / Bostonthe Vidal Sassoon International Center...

Official Media of the Palestine Authority, November 15, 1998

Excerpts from Arafat's Speech in Ramallah: Narrator quoting Arafat: "We are building our state, piece by piece and will continue until our state is established and Holy Jerusalem is its capital. We are only a...

“The aim is to eliminate us”: Incisive Interview with Israel Security Cabinet Member Bennie...

To Begin the failure of peace is simple and obvious: The PLO leadership is bent on a two-stage plan to eliminate Israel, not a two-state plan for two peoples. Bennie Begin happens to be outside the Prime...