Jerusalem’s Decreasing Isolation While European guilt over its colonialist past facilitates the acceptance of the Palestinian-as-victim narrative and while the latent, traditional anti-Semitism that culminated in the Holocaust has never been eliminated, Israel is still not quite...

Whose taxpayers fund UNRWA? The United Nations Relief and Work Agency is the only UN refugee agency dedicated to a single group of people. It is the only agency that designates individuals as original refugees if they lived...

November 11, 2013: A Letter to Kerry from Alan Baker Alan Baker has a long and impressive list of credentials: He is an international lawyer; former Ambassador of Israel to Canada; member of the Levy Committee; Director, Institute for Contemporary Affairs, Jerusalem Center for...

Palestinians From Syria: The Worst Treatment of All There are over 500,000 Palestinian “refugees” in Syria, as counted by the UN agency handling Palestinian “refugees,” the UN Relief and Works Agency or UNRWA. The quotation marks are especially apt in this case,...

A LOOK AT INTERNATIONAL SURVEY DATA ABOUT ARAB OPINION This article evaluates Arab public opinion with the “Arab Opinion Index” by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies (ACRPS) in Doha, Qatar. The Index covers 12 Arab countries with 85 percent...

Abbas’ Palestinian Authority Hurts Everybody

The Palestinian Authority was established in 1994 as the main product of the Oslo Accords. Based on responsibilities outlined for it in the agreement, expectations from the new entity were very high. The P.A....

NGO Monitor Press @GeraldNGOM : “Even without any classified intelligence, open source information published...

“Even without any classified intelligence, open source information published by NGO Monitor clearly shows the links between the PFLP and the European-funded NGOs.”  

3,600-plus Palestinian terror attacks in first half of 2023

The escalation in Palestinian terrorism that started over a year ago shows no signs of abating, data from Rescuers Without Borders (Hatzalah Judea and Samaria) published on Tuesday indicates. In the first six months of...

“We are Fighting Nazis”: Genocidal Fashionings of Gaza(ns) After 7 October

On 31 October 2023, Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, wore a Judenstern (“Jew’s star”) while addressing the United Nations Security Council. His provocative adornment of the patch, a symbol of the genocidal marking...

Analysis: Reconsideration of Our Passion for PLO Statehood After Tisha B’av

The time has come to ask all those of us who had supported the concept of a Palestinian Arab state to recognize the error in our ways. The concept of ceding a sliver of the...