An Improved Arab Peace Initiative? The Arab Peace Initiative, which was adopted at the Beirut summit in 2002, returned to the diplomatic discourse after an April 29 visit to Washington by an Arab League delegation. Politicians and commentators attributed supreme...

Finally: Arab affirmation: PLO Speaks out of two sides of its mouth

For the past seventeen years, since the inception of the Oslo process, the passion of this news agency and research center has focused on dissonant PLO messages - the contrast between the PLO message...

Commentary: Appeasement Now

Caroline Glick's first line in her column yesterday: "The world has gone mad." She then proceeds to explain the many reasons why this is so. For example: "As the Palestinians push forward with their Iranian-sponsored,...

[A slightly alternative view] Experts: Gaza War Changed Face of Mideast Conflicts Experts: Gaza War Changed Face of Mideast Conflicts Dec. 9, 2012 - 10:51AM By BARBARA OPALL-ROME TEL AVIV - As quiet descended over the skies of Israel and Gaza in late November, it became...
Pro-Hamas demonstrator directed Hamas’s al-Qasam’s terrorists to Columbia Jewish and pro-Israel students. (Inside Edition, Youtube, screenshot)

Qatari Paymasters and the Hijacking of American Democracy

Ever since Hamas’s brutal pogroms of October 7, 2023, on Jewish communities in southern Israel, which sparked the ongoing war in Gaza, there has been a drastic surge in antisemitic incidents in the West,...

Not the peace we expected with Egypt

Egypt's behavior in Sinai and along the Philadelphi route, which enables the large-scale arming of terror organizations, requires a reexamination of Israeli policy. Many people have become convinced in recent months that Egypt intends...

Whose taxpayers fund UNRWA? The United Nations Relief and Work Agency is the only UN refugee agency dedicated to a single group of people. It is the only agency that designates individuals as original refugees if they lived...

How Peace Negotiator Martin Indyk Cashed a Big, Fat $14.8 Million Check From Qatar The New York Times recently published a long investigative report by Eric Lipton, Brooke Williams, and Nicholas Confessore on how foreign countries buy political influence through Washington think tanks. Judging from Twitter and other...

Qatar Promoting Palestine Solidarity Campus Riots

Editorial Note The State of Qatar, known for being the largest financier of Hamas, has also invested millions of dollars in American campuses to promote Islam and anti-Israel themes. It has been doing so for...


The regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad has deployed thousands of troops, including Hizbullah fighters, for an offensive against rebel strongholds around Damascus. The opposition has reported a massive regime operation to expel the rebel...