Commentary for Yom Kippur

October 1, 2006 As Yom Kippur approaches, and with it the time for deep reflection and turning to Heaven for forgiveness and redemption, I will provide here only a short posting. Deeply do I wish...

Official PA Radio News – the PBC Radio, November 7

Summary and Analysis The Voice of Palestine continues to emphasize Palestinian deaths and casualties, focusing on graphic accounts of injuries (e.g. "Israeli bullets struck his heart" or "occupation bullets pierced his eye"-from November 6, 9...

PSR post ceasfire poll of Palestinians: Haniyeh 61% Abbas 32%., Hamas 46% Fatah 31%...   "As expected, and as we saw in previous instances during and immediately after Israeli wars with Hamas, findings show a spike in the popularity of Hamas and its leaders and a major decline in...

Syria: The Empire Strikes Back By “My opponent’s reasoning reminds me of the who, being asked on what the world stood, replied, `On a tortoise.’ But on what does the tortoise stand? `On another tortoise....There are tortoises all...

The Gaza War: Appearance vs. Reality Why is Hamas putting its weapons in the middle of homes, schools, hospitals and mosques in the first place? Palestinian violence has been persistent in violating all rules of engagement, despite the signed Oslo II...

Hamas leaders meet with Abbas in Qatar, present ‘complete vision’ for reconciliation

Leaders of the Hamas movement announced on Thursday that they had offered Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas a “complete vision” to achieving reconciliation between Hamas and the ruling Fatah movement. Hamas politburo head Khalid Mashaal, his...

The Donkey, the Camel and the Facebook Scam: How the Muslim Brotherhood Conquered Egypt... Raymond Stock, former Visiting Assistant Professor of Arabic and Middle East Studies at Drew University (2010-11), and Guggenheim Fellow (2007), lived in Cairo for 20 years (1990-2010). He was denied entry and deported by...

An Improved Arab Peace Initiative? The Arab Peace Initiative, which was adopted at the Beirut summit in 2002, returned to the diplomatic discourse after an April 29 visit to Washington by an Arab League delegation. Politicians and commentators attributed supreme...

ISIL Still Gains Amid U.S. Strikes

The Islamic State of Iraq and Levant continues to score gains in the war in Iraq, a report said. The Center for Security and International Studies has warned that NATO air strikes on Iraq and Syria...