Palestinian Suffering Used to Demonize Israel Executive Summary: As long as Palestinians continue to serve as lightning rod against Jews, their supposed victimization reaffirming the latter’s millenarian demonization, Israel will never be allowed to defend itself. No sooner had Israel launched...

Commentary for Yom Kippur

October 1, 2006 As Yom Kippur approaches, and with it the time for deep reflection and turning to Heaven for forgiveness and redemption, I will provide here only a short posting. Deeply do I wish...

Palestinian Authority president stealing millions in aid, Middle East experts say Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has allegedly deposited nearly $13 million in U.S. taxpayer aid into a secret bank account, and routinely uses his political connections to profit from the stagnant peace process, according...

Turkish-Hamas Relations: Between Strategic Calculations and Ideological A!nity

Introduction While the deterioration in Israel-Turkey relations over the past decade is rooted in many factors, perhaps what exemplifies this deterioration most is the closeness forged between the Justice and Development Partyled government and Hamas....

Arafat From Defender to Dictator. Part one of book summary

Arafat: From Defender to Dictator by Said Aburish Bloomsbury Publishers, London, 1998 Born August 24, 1929 in Cairo. Named Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat Al Qudua Al Husseini.(Muhammed Abdel Rahman-first name, Abdel Raouf - father's name,...

President Arafat: “Israel continues to violate International Legitimacy Resolutions”

Arafat: "Israel continues to violate the International Legitimacy Resolutions" Doha/Qatar October 10th Wafa (Official Palestine News Agency), President Yasser Arafat emphasized today, the importance of materializing the alert status of the International community and...

What is Egypt ultimately facing with the Israeli war on Gaza? From left to right: Egypt's President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi, Khaled Meshal, top Hamas leader (C) and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Photo: Reuters) It is not so much that Egypt worries about the fate of Hamas...

Commentary: Gaza, Israel’s Military Position, and more

An initial report has been delivered on what happened in Gaza: apparently a malfunction in the radar of the artillery battery. Defense Secretary Peretz has now ordered a review of artillery fire procedures and...

Official PA Radio News: The PBC Radio, November 10

Summary and analysis The Voice of Palestine has given relatively little coverage to the Clinton-Arafat meeting Thursday afternoon beyond a recitation of Palestinian positions. There were no descriptions of the tone of conversations or of...

Erekat: Arab League stance ‘not something new’ BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- The PLO's top negotiator said Tuesday that a concession by the Arab League that Israel and the Palestinians trade land was already an official position. “This is not something new,” Saeb Erekat...