Palestinian Suffering Used to Demonize Israel Executive Summary: As long as Palestinians continue to serve as lightning rod against Jews, their supposed victimization reaffirming the latter’s millenarian demonization, Israel will never be allowed to defend itself. No sooner had Israel launched...

Getting Priorities Wrong in Egypt and Syria: Three Media Case Studies As I lie here waiting for the gurney to take me into the operating room and reading the hundreds of kind letters from so many of you, I hope to fill in your time...

The Classified Diplomatic Cables Published by Wikileaks are the Pentagon Papers of the Pro-Israel...

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at a press conference in Tehran today. Behrouz Mehri/AFP/Getty Images Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has positioned himself as a left-wing whistleblower whose life mission is to call the United States to task...

President Arafat: “Israel continues to violate International Legitimacy Resolutions”

Arafat: "Israel continues to violate the International Legitimacy Resolutions" Doha/Qatar October 10th Wafa (Official Palestine News Agency), President Yasser Arafat emphasized today, the importance of materializing the alert status of the International community and...

Syria: The Empire Strikes Back By “My opponent’s reasoning reminds me of the who, being asked on what the world stood, replied, `On a tortoise.’ But on what does the tortoise stand? `On another tortoise....There are tortoises all...

Ayman al-Sharawneh, a terrorist released in the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange deal, was deported... Overview 1. Ayman al-Sharawneh is a Hamas operative from the Hebron region who was sentenced to 38 years in Israeli prison for several terrorist attacks, such as an IED bombing in Beersheba which injured 19...

AWRAD Poll of Palestinians – 87.7%:10.3% Gaza conflict results prove armed struggle best way... The results of the recent Gaza conflict prove that armed struggle, as adopted by Hamas, is the best means of achieving Palestinian independence Strongly agree 55.6% Agree 32.1% Disagree 9.1% Strongly disagree 1.2% I don't know 2.1% Dr. Aaron Lerner...

The Iranian Role in the 2012 Gaza Conflict No. 592 November-December 2012 During the fighting in Gaza in November 2012, Iran took pains to highlight its own supply of weapons and means of manufacturing them to the Palestinians, contrasting the feebleness of the...

How Egypt’s Presidential Election Will Change the Middle East and the World What might well be the most significant election in Middle East history is about to happen yet the situation and its implications are simply not understood abroad. On May 23-24, with a probable run-off...

Official PA Radio News – the PBC Radio, November 7

Summary and Analysis The Voice of Palestine continues to emphasize Palestinian deaths and casualties, focusing on graphic accounts of injuries (e.g. "Israeli bullets struck his heart" or "occupation bullets pierced his eye"-from November 6, 9...