This is what Israel should offer Saudi Arabia

What’s clear about the American led effort to bring about a rapprochement between Israel and Saudi Arabia is that it has a secondary agenda that aims to undermine not only our G-d given claim...

Saudi Normalization Does Not Mean Peace

Saudi Arabia heads the Arab League of Nations, whose charter, adopted in 1945, calls for the liquidation of the Jews in Palestine. Notably, Saudi Arabia and the Arab League launched total war on Israel...

Canadian Military Launched Investigation Into Summer Riots In Judea

In July, riots were perpetrated by masked men in the Hebron region, located in Area C of Judea, an area under Israeli sovereignty. Were these riots perpetrated by Jews? Was the violence orchestrated by...

Another Step Forward in the Saudi Nuclear Program

The Tel Aviv based Institute of National Security Studies issued a report which confirmed Riyad is working on the bomb. That report can be found at:

Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates News Outlet, Features ISGAP’s “Follow The Money” Project

Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates News Outlet, Features ISGAP’s “Follow The Money” Project

Saudi Arabia vs. the Muslim Brotherhood

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A dispute over the role of religion in government constitutes the main rift in the world of Sunni Islam. This controversy also defines the two main camps in that world with regard...

Middle East Expert: The Abraham Accords Contain “Secret Clauses” Pertaining To Temple Mount

Beware of making a covenant with the inhabitants of the land against which you are advancing, lest they be a snare in your midst. Exodus 34:12 (The Israel BibleTM) Pinhas Inbari, a journalist, author, and expert...

Contributions of Saudi Arabia and the UAE save UNRWA programs from…

Adnan Abu Hassan, the media spokesman for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), praised the support provided by Saudi Arabia and the UAE to the UN agency, stressing that...

Keeping Our Cool with Saudi Arabia

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In view of Saudi Arabia’s deep concern over Iran’s ascendancy, Israel is presented with a unique opportunity to dictate terms of engagement to the kingdom. It is unwise for Israel to tip...

Senate Kills Bill That Would Halt Saudi Arms Deals

The Senate voted to support a sale of $510 million in precision-guided munitions to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on Tuesday, defeating a resolution to block the deal in a narrow 47-to-53 vote. The bipartisan...