Middle Eastern Upheavals Enter Round Two

http://www.danielpipes.org/blog/2011/08/middle-eastern-upheavals-enter-round-two The following replies to a question posed by National Review Online: "With Qaddafi vowing a win or martyrdom and Assad being urged to step down by the West, what has happened to the Arab...

Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates News Outlet, Features ISGAP’s “Follow The Money” Project

Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates News Outlet, Features ISGAP’s “Follow The Money” Project https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5j0xBhxQ-Wc

King Abdallah Compliments President Obama, Sort Of?

July 2, 2010 http://www.gloria-center.org/blog/2010/07/king-abdallah-compliments-president-obama According to the press pool reporter for the meeting between King Abdallah of Saudi Arabia and President Barack H. Obama of the United States, who wrote it just after stepping out of...

Fed-Up Saudis Look to Russia

http://blogs.the-american-interest.com/wrm/2013/08/27/fed-up-saudis-look-to-russia-for-help-in-syria/ Talk about a cry for help. The Saudis have apparently judged President Obama to be rudderless in his Middle East policies, judging by their recent diplomatic moves toward Russia: They appear to have plied...

The Iran-Hamas Alliance: Threat and Folly

Perspectives Paper No. 28, May, 2007 www.biu.ac.il/SOC/besa/perspectives28.html Since the US invasion of Iraq, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Iran has taken on the behavior of a regional hegemon. Indeed, Ahmadinejad speaks and acts as if he is the...

Commentary on Rice-Livni Encounter

It seems sometimes a rule of thumb that if I wait a day, the news changes. So it is with what I reported yesterday, from The Jerusalem Post, regarding a linkage being made by the...

Islamism’s Likely Doom

http://www.danielpipes.org/13124/islamism-doom As recently as 2012, it appeared that Islamists could overcome their many internal dissimilarities - sectarian (Sunni, Shi'ite), political (monarchical, republican), tactical (political, violent), or attitudes toward modernity (Salafi, Muslim Brotherhood) - and cooperate....

Incisive News Coverage of Israel

Posting: September 21, 2008 "Narrative" In the Torah reading for this past Shabbat -- Ki Tavo -- Moses speaks to the children of Israel shortly before they cross the Jordan River "into the Land that G-d...

Aboriginal Rights of the Jewish People

A discussion about a moral and legal requirement to peacefully reconcile the subsequent rights of the newly-emerged Palestinian People with the prior rights of the ancient Jewish People. IntroductionDenying or minimizing Jewish rights is an...

From Mein Kampf to The Saudi Plan: 100 Years of Dhimmitude?

The writer has been involved in regional projects in cooperation in public health for the past 25 years, and is now investigating the effects of incitement in promoting genocide Press Reports hint that Sectretary of...