The regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad has deployed thousands of troops, including Hizbullah fighters, for an offensive against rebel strongholds around Damascus. The opposition has reported a massive regime operation to expel the rebel...

Hamas Policy after Operation “Protective Edge” Vol. 14, No. 29    September 18, 2014 Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal recently revealed Hamas’ unfolding strategy in the wake of the Gaza war, particularly the use of the international system as an economic safety net...

News Analysis

A recent column, "Just Knock It off," by Tom Friedman, writing in the NY Times. refers to Israel as a "spoiled child" for not acceding to Obama's demands for a continuation of the freeze. Israel,...

News Analysis

Lest anyone have mistakenly imagined that my last posting about hope (which certainly exists now !) signaled a whole new ballgame, with problems instantaneously diminished on all fronts, I state unequivocally that I...

Commentary: Expectations of War and Terror

Yesterday a report from a high ranking officer in the Southern Command was made public: Palestinians released in prisoner exchanges, he said, "always return to terrorism." Always. That's pretty clear, and pretty direct as...

Islamism’s Likely Doom As recently as 2012, it appeared that Islamists could overcome their many internal dissimilarities - sectarian (Sunni, Shi'ite), political (monarchical, republican), tactical (political, violent), or attitudes toward modernity (Salafi, Muslim Brotherhood) - and cooperate....

Nuclear non-proliferation expert: Iran and the US have a one-year deadline London, Asharq Al-Awsat-As Iran and the six world powers known as the P5+1 prepare for another meeting on the country’s controversial nuclear program, signs are emerging that progress towards an agreement over the issue...

WikiLeaks: Sec’y Clinton Ordered Probe of UNRWA . looking for Hamas ties

WikiLeaks revealed Sunday that US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ordered a probe on UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, as well as an investigation on possible ties between UN members and terror groups such as...

Senate Kills Bill That Would Halt Saudi Arms Deals

The Senate voted to support a sale of $510 million in precision-guided munitions to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on Tuesday, defeating a resolution to block the deal in a narrow 47-to-53 vote. The bipartisan...

The Two-State To Nowhere: Another Futile Attempt At Appeasement

Dr. Alex Grobman is a Hebrew University trained historian. His is the author of a number of books, including Nations United: How The UN Undermines Israel and The West and a forthcoming book on...