Sara Blaustein: A Man Remembers His Murdered Wife

My wife, Sara Blaustein, was brutally murdered in a drive-by shooting by Arab terrorists last Tuesday on the road from our home in Efrat to Jerusalem. We had moved to Israel with our 13...

Sara Blaustein’s Son Mourns a Murdered Mother

You'd never know it from looking at her, but apparently my mother was a dangerous woman. On Tuesday, she was shot to death on her way to what must have been a sinister deed....

How to Stop Terrorism

The horrible murders of the last few days are tearing at the hearts of the whole nation, and causing a feeling of no way out for some of us. We are being told that...

Where Are Arafat’s Secret Accounts?

In the early morning hours of Friday,April 20, a group of armed masked men knocked on the door of the home of Jawad el-Russein in Abu Dhabi. El-Russein, the PLO treasurer, opened the door...

Sharon’s Bureau: Our Patience is Running Out

Officials in Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's Bureau last night stated clearly that Israel's patience in continuing the cease-fire in the face of Palestinian violence is coming to an end. "Only Arafat and the Palestinian Authority...

“Gush Shalom” Spokesman Endorses PLO Suicide Attacks in Settlements

"I understand that that here is not Ghandi's India and the Israeli occupation army is not the British army and therefore, the armed Palestinian struggle, just in its essence, will continue. And therefore, it...

When Peace Now’s Academic Spokesman Endorses Selective Murder of Jews

As the months since the downfall of Ehud Barak go by, not only does the sense of loss increase, but so too the dilemma deepens in which the left wing finds itself - facing...

Arafat makes poison gas accusation aganst Israel

President Arafat at the Ministerial Meeting of OIC; Israel uses depleted uranium, poison gases and radioactive material in war to exterminate the Palestinians; no compromise on return of refugees their homes President Arafat addressing the...

Arafat’s Appointed Mufti Endorses Suicide Attacks

Dr. Mordechai Kedar, a lecturer in the Arabic Department in Bar Ilan University and a researcher at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies told IMRA that Sheikh Ekrima Sabri, who was appointed by Yasser...

Historical Approach to the Issue of Legality of Jewish Settlement Activity

...The Jewish right of settlement in the West Bank is conferred by the same provisions of the Mandate under which Jews settled in Haifa, Tel Aviv, and Jerusalem before the State of Israel was...