Hamas Will Continue Call for Struggle

This weekend Hamas leader Ibrahim Makadmeh came out of hiding and returned to his Gaza home. Israel believes the Makadmeh is linked to a series of terrorist attacks. IMRA interviewed Gaza Hamas leader Abdel Aziz...

Soul-searching on the Left Could Heal Israel’s Wounds

On the second anniversary of the Rabin assassination, it is plain that leaders of the Israeli left still demand an ongoing soul-searching from the right. But they seem to be having trouble doing this...

Why Terror Victim’s Mom Still Believes in Peace

Three years ago, Esther Wachsman's life was shattered. Her son, Nachshon, a 20-year-old corporal in the Israeli army, was kidnapped and killed by Palestinian terrorists. But instead of becoming a militant, like those members of...

The Panama Syndrome

The time has come to view matters of government media policy management outside of the parochial circles that we all live in and report about, when too many people fall into a political position...

The CIA and Friends?

During the week another Washington conference about the "Peace Process" took place -- this one keynoted by the new Assistant Secretary of State for the Middle East, Martin Indyk, a long-time protege of the...

Did Rabin Know?

With the publication of the secret appendix of the Shamgar Commission report on the murder of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin providing the backdrop to the shameful spectacle of the Likud Central Committee convention, Ehud...

A Special Request for Jewish-Palestinian Reconciliation Information

Dear Friends of Jewish-Palestinian Reconciliation, We ask you to send us a List of People and Institutions you believe should be mailed a copy of the 24-page "Evening Program and Reconciliation Resource" we are printing...

Hebcom Human Rights Bulletin UPDATE. 5th November, 199

Background On 2nd July, the Palestinian Preventative Security Service (PSS) arrested Dr. Fathi Ahmed Subuh, professor at the Department of Education at al Azhar University in Gaza, for asking several critical questions on a final...

IDF Bars Jews From Holy Places?

The Hamodia reported on November 5, 1997 that the IDF effectively bars Jews from visiting a number of sites in the West Bank which Jews are guaranteed free access to under Article 32 of...


In the early years of the Tawheed (Islamic conquest of the Arabian peninsula) and in the Fatah (Arab-Islamic invasion and conquest of the upper Middle East and the outside world), a Muslim concept was...