When Jewish Organizations Research Antisemitism and Delete Mention of the Palestine Authority

In a joint news conference held on April 22, 1998, the day before Holocaust Rememberance Day, the representatives of Stephen Roth Institute of Anti-Semitism at Tel Aviv University, the ADL and the World Jewish...

The Hamas

The following are excerpts from articles which appeared in the Egyptian English weekly, "Al-Ahram" of Al-Ahram Weekly 8th - 15th April, 1998 Close Up -- "Boiling Over" by Salama A. Salama The Palestinian Authority (PA), for reasons...

Jews Grit their Teeth While CIA and EU Train the Palestine Liberation Army

Today, April 22, 1998, marks Jewish holocaust Remembrance Day, when people around the world recall the slaughter of six million Jews in twenty one countries that occurred over a period of six years, while...

Urgent Memo to Israel Government Cabinet Secretary, Dani Naveh, From Jonathan Pollard

Israel Minister of Infrastructure Ariel Sharon charged at the Cabinet meeting today (April 5) that Israel has mismanaged the Pollard Affair from the start and that the time has come for Israel to take...

Egypt: Copts, Terrorism, Press Freedom

The following are excerpts from articles which appeared in the Egyptian English weekly, "Al-Ahram" of Al-Ahram Weekly 26th March - 1st April 1998 "Coptic MP Slams Expats" by Gamal Essam El-Din A Coptic MP has taken...

US Consulate: US Never Cited Palestinian Violation

IMRA spoke with Amjad Hidmi, an Information Specialist at the United States Information Service at the U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem, in English, on March 3: IMRA: I have been going through the data bases I...

After Sharif

Even if the Hamas leadership in Gaza tries to respond to the Palestinian Authority's request to avoid attacks, it is doubtful if it has the power to influence the leaders of its military wing...

Har Homa Monitoring Committee

Yerushalim Shelanu (Our Jerusalem) has established a Har Homa monitoring Committee. Monitors, in a car with Israeli flags flying from it will travel to Har Homa regularly and issue reports about the pace of...

Two Sides of Sesame Street

The April 1 front page story that ran in the Philadelphia Inquirer concerning Jewish-Arab cooperation in the production of a sesame-street style production on a private Palestinian TV station was not an April fool's...

Why is Pollard Still in Jail

A study published by the Simon Wiesenthal Center in 1991 and authored by investigator Kenneth Timmerman documents that tens of American firms do business with Iran, Iraq, Syria and Libya, in the areas of...