Straight talk

The editorial “Please talk to Abbas” (jpost, September 3) would seem to be inappropriate advice, since Abbas, head of the Palestine Liberation Organization engages in activities that belie any reason to meet him. He: Continues to...

The Jewish New Year dawns this week: Some thoughts

Jews have a unique way of observing the New Year. It is a time of reckoning, deep thought, and perspective. This New Year witnesses Israel in a state of change. Members of Israel's Knesset Parliament who identify...

UNRWA Head Faces Questions at EU Parliament Over ‘Hate Speech, Violence’ in Palestinian Textbooks

Members of the European Parliament pressed the head of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) Wednesday over reports of incitement to violence and prejudice found in Palestinian textbooks used in it schools. Click...

Did the PLO Murder Robert Kennedy?

The issue of a possible conspiracy in the murder of Senator Robert F Kennedy in 1968 has once again been resurrected with the publication of Peter Evans's book Nemesis and the recent calls from Hollywood celebrities...

Covering Up Robert Kennedy’s Palestinian Murderer

Sirhan Sirhan, the assassin of Robert F. Kennedy, is one of the best-known killers in American history. Yet two major television networks recently broadcast segments about the Kennedy assassination without mentioning his name at...

Obama’s Connection to Sirhan Sirhan

From the perspective of a Middle East & Islam specialist, the just-concluding U.S. presidential election is extraordinary for the outsized role of one's subject area. Consider some of the topics: Barack Obama's birth and youth...

The Arafat I Knew

Last week Israel seized a boat carrying 50 tons of Iranian-made mortars, long-range missiles and antitank rockets destined for the Palestinian Authority. The vessel, Karim A., is owned by the Palestinian Authority, and its...

One step forward and two steps back

It’s that time of the (Jewish) year again when we take stock of the past and pray for a better future in the year ahead. At this time last year, we were all in the...

Sirhan was an “unaffiliated” terrorist

The controversy surrounding the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy has once again been resurrected with the publication of Peter Evans’s book ‘Nemesis’ in which the author accuses Aristotle Onassis of having ‘funded’ the...

Reconsidering the Legacy of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

In her passing, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was touted as a civil rights legend, and as a defender of constitutional liberties. However, the case of Jonathan Pollard reflects a bias which challenges Ginsburg’s...