Discussions with delegates at the special session of the UNRWA donors conference at the...

The Sept. 21 2023  session of the UNRWA Donors Conference coincided with the burial of six young people  killed by a molotov cocktail  that exploded  in their hands, as they rushed the Gaza fence......



UNRWA’s Reckoning: Preserving the UN Agency Serving Palestinian Refugees

What’s new? The UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) serving some three million Palestinian refugees is running out of money – again. This budget crisis appears especially concerning, reflecting both reduced funding for UN humanitarian...

Dear Friends, As we approach Yom Kippur, I express appreciation for the support…

As we approach Yom Kippur, I express appreciation for the support we have received to expose the lethal policies of UNRWA (United Nations Relief & Works Agency) and to offer a positive approach for...

The worst self-inflicted wound in Israel’s history

THIRTY YEARS ago this week — on Sept. 13, 1993 — the Oslo Accords between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization were signed on the South Lawn of the White House at a ceremony...

Is Torture ‘Reasonable’ In The Eyes Of Israel’s Supreme Court?

Last week, the Israeli Supreme Court began its discussion of the government’s recent legislation of an update to the “Basic Law: Judiciary” that cancels the reasonableness clause. This clause allows the court to overturn...

Everything the Media is Not Telling Us about the Israel-Saudi Arabia Talks

 Once again, it seems like we are living in historic times. Israel is now in normalization talks with Saudi Arabia. Honestly, if this would be happening under the Trump administration, responsible for the groundbreaking Abraham...

PA Doubles ‘Pay-For-Slay’ Stipend to Ari Fuld’s Killer

The Palestinian Authority has doubled the terror “salary” it pays every month to Khalil Jabarin, the murderer of Israeli-American father of four Ari Fuld, according to the Fuld family’s attorney. Jabarin is serving a life...

For the sake of its integrity, will Israel make fundamental demands of Abbas?

As Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, the Jewish High Holy Days, approach, Israel finds itself in a moment of introspection and soul-searching, both on a personal and national level. These sacred days are traditionally...

May you live in interesting times

Wrongly attributed as a Chinese curse, this “blessing” is more relevant than ever as Jews prepare to welcome a New Year. Without any doubt whatsoever, the incoming year will not only be interesting but will...