http://www.gloria-center.org/2013/12/a-look-at-international-survey-data-about-arab-opinion/ This article evaluates Arab public opinion with the “Arab Opinion Index” by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies (ACRPS) in Doha, Qatar. The Index covers 12 Arab countries with 85 percent...

Lying About Israel

http://rubinreports.blogspot.co.uk/2013/12/lying-about-israel.html About 10-20 slanders (at least) are issued against Israel each day. They are frequently complete fabrications and from academia, media, or accusations mostly made up out of whole cloth. Lying is either simply reported...

The Islamic Winter

The big news here in Israel has to do with winter, all right. But most definitely not the Islamic sort (which I'll get to below). We've been hit with severe weather. In Jerusalem, it started...

Snow and subserviance

http://popular-resistance.blogspot.com/2013/12/snow-and-subserviance.html It is snowing here in Palestine. My visitors from Gaza (a child being treated and his father) wish to go back to their family even though their wife tells us that they have no...

Congress Seeks to Reset Terms of Iran Deal

http://freebeacon.com/congress-seeks-to-reset-terms-of-iran-deal/ House lawmakers are pushing a measure to reset the terms of a controversial nuclear accord reached between Iran and Western nations several weeks ago in Geneva, according to a copy of the bill obtained...

Israel: Iran Forges Latin American Terror Network to Target US

http://www.newsmaxworld.com/newswidget/israel-iran-terror-latinamerica/2013/12/11/id/541140?promo_code=F53B-1&utm_source=Debka&utm_medium=nmwidget&utm_campaign=widgetphase1 Iran has developed a terrorist infrastructure in the Western Hemisphere to target local Jews and gain the capability of attacking the United States, according to Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon. Yaalon warned that Tehran, which...

‘Black Day for Human Rights’: UNW’s Hillel Neuer on France 24 TV

Interviewed by France 24, UN Watch executive director Hillel Neuer says UNHRC election of China, Cuba, Russia, Saudi Arabia is a "black day for human rights."

The Palestinians and Their ‘State of Failure’

http://www.jewishexponent.com/the-palestinians-and-their-state-of-failure Secretary of State John Kerry launched a new round of Palestinian-Israeli diplomacy this summer. The naysayers said he would fail, yet the negotiations continue apace, with Kerry hoping to score a diplomatic victory by...

Open Letter in reply to Nusseibeh

The following is an edited (expanded and updated) open letter, which Seva Brodsky originally wrote to Nancy Kaufman (former Executive Director of Boston's JCRC, present head of the National Council of Jewish Women ),...

Marines Prepared For Attack On Syria

A senior U.S. military commander said the Marine Corps sent some 2,400 soldiers to Jordan in June 2013 in what appeared to mark preparations for a war against the regime of Syrian President Bashar...