Jerusalem’s Decreasing Isolation While European guilt over its colonialist past facilitates the acceptance of the Palestinian-as-victim narrative and while the latent, traditional anti-Semitism that culminated in the Holocaust has never been eliminated, Israel is still not quite...

DUE DILIGENCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY? THE NEGATIVE IMPACT OF U.S. GOVERNMENT FUNDING FOR MIDEAST POLITICAL... _the_negative_impact_of_u_s_government_funding_for_mideast_political_ngos Click here to download a PDF of this report CONTENTS Executive Summary Introduction National Endowment for Democracy United States Agency for International Development Middle East Partnership Initiative United States Institute of Peace Appendices Tables of NED and USAID Grants Discussed in This Report Correspondence...

Putin is unreliable; on to direct messages to Assad,7340,L-4383560,00.html The bellicose statements issued by senior defense officials regarding Syria in the last three days are not accidental. This time, it seems, it is not a case of too many public appearances by the...

Thanks to Kuperwasser al-Dura report, truth is on its way Minister Steinitz presents al-Dura report to Prime Minister Netanyahu, May 19, 2013 Photo: Moshe Milner/GPO For over 10 years, I’ve been fighting, along with many friends, to get out the truth about the al-Dura blood libel. For...

The Palestinian Textbook Fiasco For years, the Palestinian Authority (PA) has been accused of inciting violence by promoting the delegitimization of Israel and its people and, in some cases, even outright anti-Semitism, in its education system. According to...

Israel Warns Of Imminent War

Israel's military, struggling with a shooting war with Syria, has warned of an imminent multi-front conflict. Israel Air Force commander Maj. Gen. Amir Eshel issued one of the starkest warnings of an imminent war that...

Iran Nuke Depends On Decision

The U.S. intelligence community has assessed that Iran acquired all the technology required for nuclear weapons. Officials said the community determined that the Teheran regime has refined skills and technology to enable Iran to quickly...

Golan druze preparing for war

The mounting tension between Israel and Syria in the past number of days has prompted the Druze residents of the Golan Heights out of their complacency. While the Jewish residents of the Golan have...

Hypocrisy: Syria & UN Health Assembly Slam Israel The annual assembly of the UN’s World Health Organization adopted a resolution and held a special debate today criticizing Israel - the only specific country on the organization’s agenda - with Syria demanding urgent...