Hagel-chaired think tank predicts Iran will be ‘natural partner’ for U.S.

http://www.jns.org/news-briefs/2013/1/10/hagel-chaired-think-tank-predicts-iran-will-be-natural-partn.html (JNS.org) The Atlantic Council, a think tank chaired by defense secretary nominee Chuck Hagel which last month published a column titled “Israel’s Apartheid Policy,” during the same month predicted that Iran “should be viewed...

The twilight of America

http://us6.campaign-archive1.com/?u=ae169cb0bf1d8ed85f60ee17a&id=9e9f653b0e&e=6a9f992820 I think this is what is called a slam dunk. Barack Obama has now proposed filling the three positions in the US administration most concerned with the security of the nation and the defence...

PM: Abbas does not seek peace

http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_opinion.php?id=3223 What's behind Abbas' new tone? Mahmoud Abbas delivered a speech on Jan. 4, on the anniversary of the founding of Fatah, that may have marked a turning point in the relations between the Palestinian Authority...

Break the Silence on Abbas

As the child of parents who survived the concentration camps I have dedicated a my academic career and my clerical calling to educate the next generation to learn the lessons of the Nazi horrors....

Cone of Silence Envelopes Media & Politicians

http://www.jwire.com.au/featured-articles/cone-of-silence-envelopes-media-politicians/31443 As reported by the Director of the Israel Resource News Agency, David Bedein, the much vaunted “moderate” and erstwhile “peace partner”, Mahmoud Abbas, gave a very important speech via video link a week ago...writes...

On the Brink: Decline of US trained Palestinian Security Forces

US-trained Palestinian Security Force under General Dayton November 2009 Prepared with a research grant from the Middle East Forum EXECUTIVE SUMMARY After nearly 20 years, the Palestinian Authority, the PA, has achieved the dubious reputation of being...

The French Anti-Israeli organization EuroPalestine sent a delegation to the Gaza Strip hosted by...

http://www.terrorism-info.org.il/en/article/20457 Overview 1. EuroPalestine is an anti-Israeli French organization headed by Olivia Zemor, a far-left Jewish-French activist. The organization participates in the campaign to delegitimize Israel and in the anti-Israeli BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanction) campaign. 2....

Poll: Spike in Palestinian support for military operations against Israel

http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Middle-East/2013/0104/Poll-Spike-in-Palestinian-support-for-military-operations-against-Israel Palestinian support for military operations against Israel has registered its most significant jump in 10 years, spurred by the recent Gaza conflict, ongoing Israeli settlement expansion, and frustration over a peace process that has...

Poll No. 78, Dec. 2012 – Gaza, Resistance and the UN Bid

http://www.jmcc.org/documentsandmaps.aspx?id=858 Summary: Two weeks after the end of the war, a public opinion poll conducted by the JMCC, with support of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung East Jerusalem, aimed at studying the impact of the Gaza war and the...

Israel’s Arabs: Deprived or Radicalized?

http://www.meforum.org/3423/israel-arabs-deprived-radicalized October 1, 2000, was a watershed in Arab-Jewish relations in the state of Israel. On that day, as most Israelis were celebrating the Jewish new year, their Arab compatriots unleashed a tidal wave of...