Israel at war (potentially the start of World War III): Glenn Beck opens his...

From "The Glenn Beck Program" (Thursday, November 15, 2012 edition)

Israel attacks Gaza, threats of war Il Giornale, November 15th, 2012 Hamas military leader Jabari killed. The terror organization replies: “The gates of hell have opened” The Israeli Government long pondered before launching a military operation called “Amud Anan”, column of cloud,...

Escalating Hamas Attacks a Result of the Arab Spring The latest escalation along the Israel-Gaza border - which saw Palestinians fire more than 250 rockets at Israel since Wednesday after Israel, responding to days of only slightly less intensive rocket fire, assassinated a...

The Strong Hearts of Kiryat Malachi It’s Thursday evening in Kiryat Malachi and the city of nearly 21,000 residents is strangely quiet. The usually busy city center is empty of people-most of the stores and restaurants have been shut down....

Israel Cautious Along Syrian Border

Israel's military has been directed to act with extreme caution along the border with Syria. Military sources said Israel Army units along the Golan Heights have been warned against responding to mortar and automatic fire...

REESA COHEN STONE: MY SON’S APARTMENT WAS DEMOLISHED BY ROCKET FIRE -REPORT FROM INSIDE... Editor's note: If you want to understand why Israel has responded in Gaza, have a read of this article by former Winnipegger Reesa Cohen Stone. No country in the world would not respond as...

Hamas Fires Long-Range Rockets: Backgrounder

Israel has determined that Hamas and its allies were firing long-range rockets into Israel. Israeli military sources said Hamas and Islamic Jihad have begun launching the Iranian-origin Fajr-5 rocket toward Tel Aviv. They said Fajr-5s...

Changing the rules of the game

In the years 2002-2003 the GSS, the IDF Intelligence Branch (mainly the 8200 unit) and the Air Force conducted Operation Anemone, which targeted Hamas’s leaders. Yesterday’s attack on Ahmed Jaabari and the attempts to...

Fuel for Thought: Is Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Purposely Trying to destabilize King Abdullah of...'s_Muslim_Brotherhood_Purposely_Trying_to_destabilize_King_Abdullah_of_Jordan_by_withholding_gas_supplies _ In September I wrote an article about Canada trying to help Jordan with it's energy needs, which I considered to be an effort to help stabilize the Hashemite Kingdom, which is something that...

What people of Sderot needs is emergency mental health assistance.

By David Bedein, writing from the perspective of an MSW. The Sderot Mental Health Center for the Western Negev now handles 3,000 cases of mental breakdown with three and a half professional staffers. All requests of...