Timmerman Calls for Congressional Investigation into Iran 9/11 Ties

http://timmermanforcongress.netboots.net/posts/timmerman-calls-for-congressional-investigation-into-iran-911-ties Kensington, MD - September 12, 2012 - Republican Congressional candidate Ken Timmerman said he will push for a Congressional investigation into the government of Iran’s ties to the 9/11 attacks. Speaking at a luncheon in...

Gaza Prepares to Declare Independence (From Palestine)

http://schanzer.pundicity.com/12253/gaza-prepares-to-declare-independence-from It's no secret that Hamas, the Palestinian Islamist faction that controls Gaza, has long considered exchanging its underground smuggling tunnels to Egypt for a policy of above-board trade. What has only recently begun to...

Relying on US Intelligence

http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/09/relying_on_us_intelligence.html#ixzz265vwYq6a Jerusalem and the resettlement of Palestinian refugees disappeared from the Democratic Party platform; language that characterized Hamas as unacceptable to the United States -- not only to Israel -- disappeared. Jerusalem is back. But...

Will Egypt Go Nuclear?

http://www.biu.ac.il/SOC/besa/docs/perspectives182.pdf EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Though Egypt does not currently have a nuclear energy program, that reality could soon change. Newly elected President Mohammed Mursi made clear that Egypt wishes to create a civilian nuclear energy program....

No, It’s Sharia and the Assault on U.S. Missions

http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/316633/no-its-ishariai-and-assault-us-missions-andrew-c-mccarthy # I could not more vigorously disagree with my friend Daniel Pipes, who disappointingly lays fault for yesterday’s carnage at the feet of Reverend Terry Jones. In essence, Daniel - like much of the...

Could Obama Have Prevented the Benghazi Attack?

http://frontpagemag.com/2012/dgreenfield/could-obama-have-prevented-the-benghazi-attack/ On September 11 the New York Times chose to run an op-ed attacking President Bush for not preventing the attacks of September 11 charging that Bush had intelligence about Al Qaeda’s intentions that should...

PIPES: ‘Barry was Muslim’

http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/sep/10/barry-was-muslim/ Editor’s Note: In this second of a five-part series, Middle East and Islam specialist Daniel Pipes documents evidence from Barack Obama ’s childhood years that points to his Muslim identity. Many pieces of evidence argue...

What part of ‘Iran will get the bomb if you don’t stop it’ Mr...

http://melaniephillips.com/what-bit-of-iran-will-get-the-bomb-if-you-dont-stop-it-mr-president-dont-you-understand So now the crisis in relations between President Obama and the state of Israel has finally blown publicly open. On the very anniversary of 9/11, the day when America learned firsthand a little of...

Living in the twilight zone

What does it feel like to be surrounded by countries intent on wiping you off the face of the map? How do you cope with daily incitement of hate, challenges to your legitimacy, threats...

Arab World Celebrates 9/11 by Blaming Attacks on Israel, U.S. Jews

http://freebeacon.com/arab-world-celebrates-911-by-blaming-attacks-on-israel-u-s-jews/ In the weeks leading up to the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Muslim clerics and academics across the Arab world publicly trafficked in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, blaming Israel and American Jews for...