Carr must restore sinew of diplomacy

The Australian foreign affairs and aid budgets are a disgraceful shambles that reflect neither Australia's national interests nor our values. Our bloated aid budget is out of control, expanding far beyond our ability to spend...


The May 28th 2012decision of the Australian government to increase its allocation to the United Nations Relief and Works agency, UNRWA, the agency that serves Palestinian Refugees and their descendants - by 450% -...

Counting Palestine Refugees # The fetid, dark heart of the Arab war on Israel, I have long argued, lies not in disputes over Jerusalem, checkpoints, or “settlements.” Rather, it concerns the so-called Palestine refugees. So called because of...

Australia to support UN relief works for Palestinian refugees

It seems obvious that the possibility that the US would drastically cut aid to UNRWA, as reported in the previous article, has led UNRWA to request and receive a 450% rise in the Australian...

UNRWA Reform

For years we have been part of a small cadre of determined individuals who saw clearly the damage being done by UNRWA -- the UN Relief and Work Agency for Palestinian Refugees. Damage to...

Why is Israel expelling migrant workers?

It is very important to set the record straight as to why Israel is about the deport thousands ofmigrant workers who have flooded the Jewish state of late Israel’s Jewish and Arab workers now compete...

UC Berkeley and the ‘Islamophobia’ Lobby The Islamophobia Research & Documentation Project (IRDP)-a program of the University of California, Berkeley's Center for Race and Gender (CRG)-recently held its third annual conference, "Critical Discourses on Islamophobia: Symbols, Images, & Representations." As...

Half the Story: Analysis of Amnesty’s 2012 World Report

JERUSALEM - In response to Amnesty International's 2012 World Report, NGO Monitor today released the following statement: · As in many previous reports, Amnesty continues to level unsupported allegations of violations of international law against...

Elections for Hamas’ Leading Institutions in the Gaza Strip – ” Results and Significance Overview 1. In the middle of April 2012 secret elections were held for Hamas' leading institutions in the Gaza Strip, with the following results: 1) The General Shura Council, the highest Hamas authority in the Gaza...

NEWS FLASH: Muslim Brotherhood Claims Victory in Egypt Presidential Election According to the Brotherhood, the almost complete vote counting for president looks like this: Mohamed Mursi (Brotherhood) 28.4% Ahmed Shafiq (Mubarak era general) 24.6% Abdul Moeim Abul Fotouh (so-called “moderate Islamist” but supported by radical Islamist Salafists)...