Who violated the Oslo Accords?
The month of September plays a central role in the Hebrew calendar, roughly correspondending with the holiday month of Tishrei. It also occupies a central place in Israel's collective political experience: On Sept. 13,...
Chief Rabbi slams Dawkins for using ‘anti-Semitic stereotype’
THE CHIEF Rabbi has accused atheist Professor Richard Dawkins of using an anti-Semitic stereotype in his best-selling book The God Delusion.
Lord Jonathan Sacks complained about a passage in Dawkins's book in which he says...
As Its Middle East Policy Crumbles, The Obama Administration’s Defense: It’s Not a Revolution,...
So now we have the answer of the “best and the brightest” expressed in the most explicit terms by American leaders and the mass media.
The problem in the Middle East is not mass revolutionary...
An existential threat to the West
Faced with graphic photos of the tortured dead body of the late U.S. ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, being dragged through the streets of Benghazi by a mob, one can't help but think that,...
Arab Spring investor excitement fizzles out amid anti-U.S. backlash
Only a short while ago, Arab Spring economies were fluttering their eyelashes at global investors considering opportunities in the new democracies.
Foreign investment, international aid agreements and other economic stimuli to plump up central banks...
The Mossad’s female spies: Flirting for Israel (& MSNBC: Israel is a “prisoner’s paradise”)
The new stamp jointly issued by Nepal and Israel depicting the lowest and highest points on the planet
* Meditation rooms, dance and art lessons, petting zoos, computer centers, university degrees, advanced dental treatment, fish...
Steve Emerson on Sun News Network with Michael Coren – Political correctness has damaged...
Michael Coren: It's not just what happened last week and it's still continuing to happen all over the world, it's also the reaction of people you think should know better to this. They, they're...
The reign of imagination
As he suffocated to death at the US Consulate in Benghazi on the 11th anniversary of the September 11 attacks on the US, did US Ambassador Christopher Stevens understand why he and his fellow...
Look in Your Mirror
On Monday, David D. Kirkpatrick, the Cairo bureau chief for The Times, quoted one of the Egyptian demonstrators outside the American Embassy, Khaled Ali, as justifying last week’s violent protests by declaring: “We never...
Genocides, unlike hurricanes, are predictable, says world expert. And Iran is following the pattern
Genocide is neither “linear nor inexorable.” It is, rather, predictable and preventable, so long as you recognize the universal signs. And Iran, in its language and action, has taken six of the eight steps...