CBS under fire for ’60 Minutes’ segment attacking Israel Christian leaders, Middle East experts, and observers on Capitol Hill are crying foul on a CBS News report that they say erroneously blamed Israel for the persecution and migration of Palestinian Christians. The report by...

PA Could Use Troops Against Israel The Palestinian Authority could use its tens of thousands of troops for a new war against Israel, a report said. The Institute for National Security Studies asserted that PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas could order Palestinian...

Following Abbas’ Letter to Netanyahu: Options Available to the Palestinian Authority The anticipated meeting between Benjamin Netanyahu and Salam Fayyad did not take place, and by all indications, the meeting with Saeb Erekat and the Palestinian intelligence chief did not produce any significant results. According...

Must see: The egyptian stamp dated may 15 1948 MUST_SEE:_THE_EGYPTIAN_STAMP__DATED_MAY_15_1948 I write these words hours before the beginning of Yom Hazikaron, the day we remember and pay tribute to all of those who have fallen in Israel's wars. It will be followed by celebrations...

“How the Legacy of the Mufti lives on, in the new Palestinian Authority curriculum”...

Jack Cohen was an inspiration to me for the past 42 years, as a man of integrity and as a genuine advocate of peace and reconciliation between Jews and Arabs, for the more than...

Hamas-Gaza Plans Ops In W. Bank

MENL, Israel's intelligence community has determined that the Hamas regime in the Gaza Strip was intensifying efforts to conduct operations in the West Bank. The Israel Security Agency said a Hamas operative in the Gaza...

Palestinian Authority Bans Contact With Israeli Security Officials

MENL, The Palestinian Authority has banned Palestinian contact with Israel's military. The PA has ordered Palestinians not to visit or contact the Israel-Palestinian District Coordination Office, which provides permits for work or medical treatment in...

Iran Seeks To Expand Influence In Gaza

MENL, Iran has been pressing to expand its presence in the Gaza Strip. Arab diplomatic sources said the Iranian leadership was urging the Hamas government of Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh to allow additional military trainers...

Why Is Jordan Keeping Out Palestinian Refugees? More than 1,000 Palestinians who fled from the violence in Syria and were hoping to find temporary shelter in Jordan, have been stranded along the border between Syria and Jordan for the past few...

Palestinian obstructionism The letter that Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad is expected to hand Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today is a prime example of everything wrong with the current Palestinian leadership. The letter (according to...