Jordan’s Protests: Arab Spring Lite? Samuel Helfont is a Ph.D Candidate in Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University and an Associate Scholar of the Foreign Policy Research Institute. He is the author of Yusuf al-Qaradawi: Islam and Modernity (2009)...

Analysis Paper: REAL CHALLENGES FACE THE INTERIM PALESTINIAN UNITY GOVERNMENT, Dated 18 July 2011 I. INTRODUCTION On 4 May 2011, Fatah and Hamas announced a surprise Reconciliation Agreement in Cairo. The Agreement included articles on elections, security, the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC). It...

The Real Role of Israeli Arabs Israeli Arabs can play a role in reviving the stalled peace process between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Although this is an internal Israeli issue between the state and its Arab citizens, -- not an...

Overcoming Attempted Murder

Dear friends and facebook friends of friends! I am asking you to take a moment - read my story - and consider sponsoring Pia Levine as she participates in the NY Triathlon to raise funds...

UNRWA’s Anti Israel Bias unrwa-anti-israel-bias

Israeli sources: Arab Spring let Palestinians ramp up Gaza arms smuggling arab-spring-let-palestinians-ramp-up-gaza-arms-smuggling-1.375067 The revolutions in the Arab world, especially the Egyptian security forces' diminished control in the Sinai, have allowed the Palestinians to exponentially increase their weapons smuggling into the Gaza Strip, senior defense officials say. In...

Conference stresses Palestinian refugees’ right of return Site_Id=1&lang=2&NewsID=37756&CatID=13&Type=Home>ype=1 Cairo, July 14 (Petra)--Conference of Supervisors of Palestinian Affairs in Arab Host Countries stressed its strong rejection of unilateral Israeli policies as well as its support to rights of Palestinians, mainly the right of...

How will U.S./Canadian trained palestinian forces react if riots break out in september?, ... sec=1&title=HOW_WILL_U.S./CANADIAN__TRAINED_ PALESTINIAN__FORCES_REACT_IF_RIOTS_BREAK_OUT_IN_ SEPTEMBER_INTERVIEW_WITH__MINISTER_OF_PUBLIC_SECURITY__ VIC_TOEWS_JUST_IN_ISRAEL Jerusalem, Israel -“Canada does not support a unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state at the United Nations" this coming September, Canadian Minister of Public Security Vic Toews has told the Winnipeg Jewish Review after...

U.S. must end funding of terrorist propaganda in Palestinian camps When you examine the websites about the United Nations Relief and Work Agency, you get glowing reports of its wonderful humanitarian work. You're told of an agency that is helping care for an estimated 1.5...

UNWRA spokesman: Better for countries to act against Israel than contribute to UNWRA "From UNRWA's point of view, it would be better for those states and organizations with the power to bring the necessary pressures to bear to end the collective punishment rather than pay UNRWA to...