Palestinian Demand to Return to Villages from 1948 Is Real

Filmaker: “For the Sake of Nakba: The Campaign for the Right of Return” Every aspect of PA education,introduced in the UNRWA refugee camps and in the nascent Palestinian Authority in 1994, addresses the right of...

Palestine – ‘Occupation Incorporated’ An African UN worker in the West Bank recently remarked to a mutual friend 'When people see me coming they see a walking ATM machine'. Driving through Ramallah, and then Jericho, the other day I...

Germany: Iran Trade and Dolphin Discount

JINSA Report #1107 According to the German magazine Der Spiegel, Germany will provide Israel with its sixth Dolphin-class nuclear-capable submarine and subsidize the deal with 135 million Euros. The magazine notes that Germany "donated" the...

The Freedom-Loving Rebels Become Reactionary Oppressors

“You say you got a real solution Well, you know We’d all love to see the plan.... But when you want money for people with minds that hate All I can tell is brother you have to wait ” -”Revolution,”...

Rabbi Benarroch ‘S Sephardic Journey- Continuation Of Limmud

Rabbi Benarroch and the author, Aidan Fishman /article_detail.cfm?id=1350&sec=2& title=RABBI_BENARROCH_'S_ SEPHARDIC_JOURNEY-_ CONTINUATION_OF_LIMMUD On June 19th, respected Israeli rabbi and local son Yosef Benarroch gave a presentation in the Kanee Foyer at the Rady Centre as part of Winnipeg’s nascent but...

How Israel’s Lawyers Stopped the Second Flotilla lawyers+stopped+second+flotilla/5076493/story.html Israel has deployed a powerful new strategy against the latest wouldbe Gaza flotilla activists: Bore them to death. For three weeks, the activists aboard the lead flotilla boat, an old freighter renamed the “Tahrir,” have...

Youth Movements, NGOs Decry Failure to Reconcile RAMALLAH, July 20, 2011 (WAFA) - Palestinian youth movements and over 100 non-governmental organizations Wednesday threatened to return to the streets of the West Bank and Gaza Strip if the Palestinian Authority and Hamas...

Why Do Palestinians Bite the Hand That Feeds Them? For the past six decades, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for has been helping hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and a number of Arab...

House bill to limit aid to Pakistan, Palestinians ALeqM5gOOsa8xiLe4lkrRBx-PaLIxBRlag?docId=917c0124ea784871b5d488fd870a385b WASHINGTON (AP) - A House panel unveiled a bill Monday that would block U.S. aid to Pakistan, Egypt, Lebanon and the Palestinian Authority unless the Obama administration reassures Congress that they are cooperating in...

The Middle East Turmoil: Its Impact on Arab-Israeli Peace Prospects *

It all started just five months ago, on Dec. 17, 2010, when Mohamed Bouazizi, a young Tunisian fruit peddler in Sidi Bouzidi, south of the Tunisian capital, set himself ablaze after the police seized...