The Two State Delusion VII: Changing Arab Perspectives:Iran

The Obama administration argues the extreme urgency of achieving the “Two-State Solution” as necessary to gain support from the Arab states in our conflict with the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Certainly we want any...

The Two-State Delusion VIII: The New Middle East Paradigm:Wavering U.S. Resolve?

President Obama’s publicly stated opposition to a united Jerusalem logically concentrates attention on other positions and actions he has taken that ominously diminish the U.S.-Israel relationship: His eloquent Cairo apology to and effusive praise...

The Two State Delusion IX: Why Speak Peace When Peace Is Not In...

Since 1937, when Great Britain’s Peel Commission vainly proposed a “Two-State Solution” as “a chance for ultimate peace”, Arab-Israel “peace plans” have been advanced in predictably futile succession, among them: The U.N.’s “Partition Plan...

The Settlements Issue: Distorting the Geneva Convention and the Oslo Accords

Published January 2011 Vol. 10, No. 20 5 January 2011 Alan Baker Palestinian representatives at the UN have prepared a draft resolution that will seek to declare that Israeli settlements are "illegal and constitute a major obstacle...

A Lesson in Politics : The Integrity of Ben Gurion Unversity is on the...

Ben Gurion University is in stress. The recent reports published by the “Im Tirtzu” student movement about the Post-Zionist political control dominating important parts of the university have had their effect and impact. They have managed to...

Israel and the US Administration: A Midterm Assessment There has recently been much discussion of the State of Israel’s “bleak diplomatic situation,” and a dismissal of Israel's foreign policy over the last two years as a string of failures. The declaration by a...

Beware of Palestinian data: Israeli policymakers afflicted by demographobia – the illogical fear of...,7340,L-4008247,00.html The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) declared in December, 2010 that 2014 will, ostensibly, usher in a Jewish-Arab demographic parity between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean followed by an Arab majority. That projection has...

Initiative: Knesset to Probe Foreign Government Funding of Israeli NGO’s that Lambast the Israeli...,7340,L-4008684,00.html Yisrael Beiteinu says has majority to establish parliamentary inquiry commission to investigate cooperation between international 'anti-Zionist' groups and local organizations The Yisrael Beiteinu party announced Monday that it has submitted a request to establish a parliamentary...

Ileana Ros-Lehtinen: Ready to play hardball

Photo by: courtesy The new House Foreign Affairs Committee chairwoman says she is determined to ‘show Israel that we are strongly in its corner.' WASHINGTON - Ileana Ros-Lehtinen wasn’t pleased. She had just moved into her...

A New Palestinian Lie About Israel and The Need to Discount Such Stories Systematically

What happens when the New York Times publishes, with no investigation, an atrocity story about Israel that is not only false but ridiculously so, based on the most obvious starting point: death by tear-gas...