Tendentious BBC Reporting: An Open Letter

To: Mr. Malcolm Balen. Dear Sir Re: BBC's Report on the London Conference of the organization: Justice for Jews. I have specialized in the field of Jews from Arab Countries for over thirty years, against a backdrop...

Diversity Guidelines by Society of Professional Journalists for journalists when writing about Muslims….

On October 6, 2001 at its National Convention in Seattle, the Society of Professional Journalists passed a resolution urging members and fellow journalists to take steps against racial profiling in their coverage of the...

“Bodies for Terrorists” Exchange Deal Sacrifices Safety Of Israeli Lives For A Better International...

One of the mysteries of this accord, from Israel's point of view, revolved around an Israeli policy which openly placed Israeli lives in danger - for two reasons. The first is that Samir Kantar will...

UN: A ‘Humanitarian Move’: Israel’s Decision to Release Terrorists;

The recent Israeli decision to release Hezbollah and Lebanese terrorists in a prisoner exchange was hailed yesterday by the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon as a "humanitarian move." "The Secretary-General welcomes the progress on the...

In Sderot – Remembering Tibet, Instead of Watching the Olympics in Beijing

It would be the easiest thing in the world to relax, sit back and watch the Beijing Olympics on my porch in Sderot. Yet it is hard to forget flashbacks from exactly three years ago,...

The World Should Know What He [KUNTAR] Did to My Family

Abu Abbas, the former head of a Palestinian terrorist group who was captured in Iraq on April 15, is infamous for masterminding the 1985 hijacking of the Italian cruise ship Achille Lauro. But there...

Sarkozy and Land for Peace

Well, Sarkozy was in Jerusalem this week, and standing before the Knesset he called for Israel to agree to have Jerusalem divided, with half turned over to the savages. He also called for ethnic...

Young Israel Protests French President Nicolas Sarkozy

National Council of Young Israel President Shlomo Z. Mostofsky, Esq., made the following statement today in response to French President Nicolas Sarkozy's comments during his trip to Israel, in which he called on Israel...

Israeli POW’s – Murdered in Captivity?

On July 12th, 2006, The Hizbullah terrorist organization, based in Lebanon, ambushed an Israeli patrol on the Israel-Lebanon border, killing eight Israeli soldiers and capturing two Israeli soldiers - Sergeant 1st Class Ehud Goldwasser...

Hamas. Abu Mazen and the Cease Fire

The Hamas-Israeli ceasefire agreement in Gaza (tahdi'a; lit. “calmingâ€Â), together with the decision by Palestinian Authority President Mahmud Abbas (Abu Mazen) to renew the “national dialogueâ€Â with Hamas, inaugurated a new and promising phase...